buildings by a lane known as Mililani street, about 20 feet wide, and 
not more than 200 yards directly in front of the Queen's palace. 
Messrs. Peterson, Parker, Colburn, and Cornwell, after returning 
from the Government building, reported to me that Mr. Stevens had 
stated that he had landed the troops at the request of Mr. Thurston 
and the committee of safety, and that they (the cabinet) had protested 
against the landing of the troops, and requested the U. S. minister to 
withdraw the United States forces from the shore, but were refused or 
did not get any reply. Then the cabinet left me to attend another 
meeting of the Queen's friends. After the meeting the attorney-gen- 
eral, Mr. Peterson, returned to the station house, and remained with 
me there during the- night. At 11:30 p. m. a special officer reported to

me that the conspirators were now recruiting at Klemme's lodging 
house on Fort street, and that Mr. J. H. Fisher and J. B. Castle were 
there. I again proposed to Mr. Peterson to proclaim martial law in the 
morning and get out warrants for the arrest of the conspirators, and 
showed him a proclamation to that purpose, ready prepared for the sig- 
natures of the Queen and the governor of the island of Oahu. I also 
proposed placing an armed force in the Government building, but he 
thought that it was no use to send armed men there, as it was a bad 
building to defend, especially if Minister Stevens insists on continuing

to support the conspirators, as we can not afford to fight the United 
States of America. Better let the matter rest until the morning and 
see what may develop. 
Perfect quietness reigned through the city, there being a band con- 
cert at the hotel, which was attended by a large and peaceable crowd, 
as usual. The city was patrolled as usual by the regular police force, 
and, as before, I had a strong guard at the station house in case of a 
night attack. There were no unusual incidents during the night, with 
the exception of two fire alarms, neither serious, one a little before 12

In., and the other about 3 a. m., which were promptly extinguished by 
the fire department, which, by order of the cabinet, had been kept 
ready for immediate service ever since Saturday night, as also were the 
waterworks employ6s kept on duty in case these people might, in the 
fury of defeat or with a view of creating an occasion for the United 
States troops to interfere, attempt to create an incendiary scare. Every

precaution was taken by Her Majesty's cabinet and every means that 
lay in their power was made use of to secure the protection of life and 
property, and nothing was lacking in this respect, so that nothing war- 
ranted the landing of troops from the Boston, as the Queen's govern- 
ment was in a position to put down any insurrection if left without 
interference from any foreign power. On Tuesday, the 17th, everything 
appeared very quiet, so much so that I dismissed the extra guards at 
the police station, but I still kept on the watchers on the stores of the

dealers in arms and ammunition. 
About 9:30 a. m. I received information that a meeting was held at 
the residence of Mr. H. Waterhouse, at which were present H. Water- 
house, T. F. Lansing, S. B. Dole, W. 1. Castle, C. L. Carter, J. H. Soper,

F. W. Wundenberg, W. W. Hall, J. A. McCandless, J. Emmeluth, and 
a number of others. I afterwards learned from one who was present at 
that meeting that discussion of various plans was had, and a committee 
of three was appointed to personally confer with Minister Stevens, and 
received his direct and personal assurance that they would get the sup- 
port of the United States troops if they went on with the affair. Messrs.

Soper, Carter, and Waterhouse were the committee. They went over 
*o the United States legation, which is on the premises adjoinig that 