of commerce and agriculture, and the large and respectable number of 
our foreign residents. 
We ask of you to secure and preserve the great interests common to 
us and you, and arrest the course of events so prejudicial to both; and 
we shall never cease to be grateful for your aid. 
And we pray to the Almighty God to have your excellency, our great 
and good friend, in his mQst holy keeping. 
Written at Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands, 
this 10th day of March, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and 
forty three. 
By your good friend, 
Premier KEKAULUOHI,       [SEAL.] 
No. 28.]                      U. S. ConnERcIAL AGENCY, 
Sandwich Islands, August 15, 1843. 
SIR: I have the honor to announce to you the arrival at this port, on 
the 26th ultimo, of H. B. M. Frigate Dublin, from Valpao, and of the 
restoration of the sovereignty of this group of islands to His Majesty 
the King thereof by Rear Admiral Thomas. 
It appears that the acts of Capt. Paul1lt. er ntirlyJtndqhorized by 
the British Government, or the cq.   0 n 0le.0.0f.th .B5iil'fiaval force

in the Pacific. 
The U. S. Ship Constellation arrived , 
to the restoration of the Hawaiian flag 
Kearny receiving official information 
Capt. Paulet issued a protest, a copy:of 
The protest of the King against L(y.4 
time prior 
and Com. 
saction of 
of Admiral Thomas, Doe. C, are herewith inclosed for the information 
of the State Department. 
The restoration of the Government of these islands to the native 
chiefs is as gratifying to the American residents here as it must be to 
the Government of the United States. 
With sentiments of the highest consideration, etc. 
WM. HOOERm   , 
Acting U. S. Commercial Agent. 
Secretary of State, Washington. 
Know all men that, according to private instructions given to our 
deputy, he on the 10th of May, issued a protest-on our behalf in the fol-

lowing words: 
I"Whereas the undersigned was, by commission dated February 27, 
1843, appointed deputy for His Majesty Kamehameha III to the British 
Commission for the Government of the Sandwich Islands, under the pro- 
visional cession thereof unto Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria, 
Queen of the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland; 
" And whereas in the prosecution of business by the commissioners 
many acts have been passed and consummated affecting the interests of 
foreigners residing on the islands, and by acts which virtually abrogate

the bona fide obligations of the Government existing at the period of