1206                     HAWAIIAN    ISLANDS. 
The evening demonstration, abandoned by the general arrangement committee,

was taken up by the enthusiastic Portuguese contingent and most successfully

carried out. These patriotic citizens came down from the slopes of Punchbowl

about  300 strong, just in time for the speechmaking. Their own band led
the pro- 
cession and played unusually well. The marchers bore torches and transparancies.

The sentiment first shown was "Progresso, uniao, liberedado." Other
were: "Lily, make room for your anti,   "Liberty or death,"
"America is our goal," 
"No monarchy in ours," "Lilberty and union," "p.
G., and Portuguese," "We're 
the 400." At the end of the column was a fireworks wagon, which left
a trail of 
explosives and colored lights. 
The attendance at the mass meeting was variously estimated at from 7,000
10,000. It included throngs of natives, and the seats reserved for ladies
were all 
occupied. Enthusiasm was unbounded, the speakers being constantly interrupted

by cheering and marks of approval. The proceedings were enlivened by the
charge of fireworks at intervals, and music from the band. A spontaneous
was given of three cheers for President Dole. 
Hon. J. B. Atherton was chairman. In a brief address he spoke of the meeting
November 28 to protest against the action of Mr. Cleveland. The opinions
expressed are fixed. The year just ended had been one of trial. The Provisional
ernment administered and sustainedby the most trustworthy men of Hawaii has
firm and it is now, with strength, means, and backing, on a solid footing.
It will 
live and prosper until admitted into the great American Union. 
Collector-General J. B. Castle said: There was but little to be added to
what had 
already been uttered. WXhat was to be said should be heard in no uncertain
It should be such expression as would reverberate through the ages of the
future and live as a legacy to our children. A year ago there was struck
a blow 
which drove the last nail into the coffin of monarchy. Those associated in
the Gov- 
ernment had been steadfast and faithful. They believed their hopes would
fruition before the year 1897. "All roads lead to Rome," was an
ancient and sig- 
nificant saying. Our watchword is "All roads lead to Washington."
We believe 
Hawaii will come into the Union. We have here a Government that is sound
strong, and in which the people have confidence. He was certain it was satisfac-

tory, and it, or its immediate successors, were good enough for those who
There have been objections to the celebration of this day. Comments tinged
disapproval have emanated in some instances from our own ranks. The day was
most memorable one and the speaker would be in favor of making it a holiday
all time. Those who thought otherwise were either imbued with lack of confidence

or even cowardice. It was a day worthy of celebration for many reasons. For
thing, it commemorated the unsuccessful seizure of the islands nearly one
years ago by the English, who were forced to restore them by the action of
The 17th was the birthday anniversary of Kamehameha III, the King who desired

the annexation of the islands to the United States. 
Said Judge HAIITWELL: "Wherever is found a community enjoying possession
higher sentiments, there is civil liberty. The day of kings is past but the
rule of 
law is never ending." Judge Hartwell entered upon a legal analysis of
the Hawaiian 
Government. "Until the advent of Kalakaua there had beenno actual constitutional

government. For the first time, then, a monarch was sworn to enforce and
observe a 
constitution; for the first time absolute kingly authority was abolished.
In Liliuo- 
kalani the country found a sovereign who disregarded and ignored the constitution.

What did the English do when their King John rebelled? They forced him at

Runnymede to obligate himself by signing Magna Charta. On the 17th of January,

1893, the monarch of this country abrogated constitutional government by
and defying the constitution. From that instant Hawaiian constitutional govern-

ment ceased to exist. The proceeding that followed was a conservative and
mate one. Citizens took upon themselves the functions of government. The
end sought is annexation to the United States. The Government is protecting
zens and property and quaietly and fairly conducting the affairs of state.
We have 
a stable government. That is the only Government, and it will continue to
be the 
recognized, honored, and efficient power on the islands. 
President of Punahou College, Prof. F. A. Hosiner, said that Prince Bismarck,
a banquet, offered a toast to the fatherland Great Britin and the Republic
of the 
West. The French and Portuguese governments further afford fine examples
republican forms of government. Oat here on an island on the mid-Pacific,
with the incentive of patriotism have been brave enough to resist absolution.
Alexander's history is authority for the notorious fact that Hawaii has not
for twenty 
years had a stable government. We have it now and we will have annexation.