14. - Reporters for newspapers can have seats assigned them by the Pres-
 ident, within the bar of the Chamber, for the purpose of taking down the
 proceedings, but not so as to interfere with the convenience of the Senate.
 The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Treashrer, Attor-
 ney-General, Senators, Ex-Senators, and Members of Congress, Judges o.f
 Court, Senators, and ex-members of State Legislatures, and Members of the
 Assemb'ly of this State, and all editors of newspapers in the State may
 admitted to seats within the bar of the Senate.

                          OdDER OP LUSINESS.
  15. -The order of business shall be as follows:
  1. Call of the roll.
  2. Correction of the journal.
  3. Communications to the Legislature.
  4. Resolutions may be offered.
  5. Introduction and reference of bills.
  6. Reports of Standing Committees.
  7. Reports of Select Committees.
  8. Executive Communications.
  9. Communications from the Assembly, and action thereon.
  10. Senate resolutions may be considered.
  11. Bills ready for a third reading.
  12. Bills on their third reading.
  13. Bills ready for engrossment and third reading.
  14. Bills reported by Committee of the Whole.
  15. Bills not yet considered in the Committee of the Whole.
                           CALL TO ORDER.
  16.--When any Senator is about to speak in debate or deliver any matter
to the Senate, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully address himself
"Mr. President," and shall confine himself to the question under
tion, and avoid personalities.
  17.--When any Senator is called to order, he shall sit down until it shall
be determined whether he is in order or not, except he be permitted to ex-
plain; and if a Senator be called to order for words spoken in debate, the
exceptional words shall be taken down in writing immediately.
  18.--When two or more Senators happen to rise at the same time, the
President shall name the Senator who is first to speak.
  19. --No Senator shall speak more than twice on the same question du-
ring the same day, without the consent of the Senate.
  20. - While the President is putting any question or addressing the Sen-
ate, no Senator shall walk out of or across the room, nor entertaifn private
discourse; nor whilst a Senator is speaking, shall pass between him and the
Chair. No Senator or other person shall visit or remain by the Clerk's table
while the ayes and noes are being called, or the ballots counted.