MANUAL OF PAIRLIAMENTArY            PRACTICE.          ill

tlar. He sometimes permits old experienced members to assist him with
their advice, which they do sitting in their seats, covered, to avoid the
appearance of debate; but this can only be with the Speaker's leave, else
the division might last several hours. -2 tIats.. 14:3.
  The voice of the majority decides:for the lex mc.joris tpartis is the law
of all
councils, elections, etc., where not otherwive e:pressly provided. blake
w., 9;.
But if the House be equally divided, ,rp'r pr.    zr pro n.-_gante; "
is, the former law is not to be chanued bu: by a :najrit'. Tow:s., col. 1*3;.
  [But in tho Senate of the United Stnzes, the Vice President decides when
the House is divided. Const. U. S.. I, 3.]
  When from counting the House on a di;ision, it appears that there is not
quorum, the matter continues exactly in the s tate in which it was before
division, and must be resumed at that point on any future day. 2 Ials., 126.
  IR06, May 1, on a question whether a nnember having said yea may after-
wards sit and change his opinion, a precedent was remembered by the
Speaker, of Mr. Morris, attorney of the wards, in 39 Eliz., who in like case
changed his opinion. Mem. Hakew., 27.
                           SECTION XLII.

  After the bill has passed, and not before, the title may be amended, and
to be fixed by a question; and the bill is then sent to the other House.

                          SECTION XLIII.

  [When a question has been once made and carried in the affirmative or neg-
ative, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for the
consideration thereof; but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote
be in order after a bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion
upon which the vote was taken shall have gone out of the possession of thtL
Senate announcing their decision; nor shall any motion for reconsideration
be in order unless made on the same day on which the vote was taken, or
within the two next days of the actual session of the Senate thereafter.*
ule 20.]
  [17S, Jan. A bill on its second reading being amended and on the ques-
tion whether it shall be read a third time negatived, was restored by a decis-
ton to reconsider that question. Here the votes of negative and reconsider.
ation, like positive and negative quantities in an equation, destroy one
another, and are as if they were expunged from the journal. Consequently
the bill is open for amendment, just so far as it was the moment preceding
the question for the third reading; that is to say, all parts of the bill
are open
for amendment except those on which votes have been already taken in its
present stage. So, also, it may be recommitted.]
  tithe rule permitting a reconsideration of a question affixing to it no
  *This part of the rule has been added since the Manual was compiled.
  t This rule now fixes the limitation.