ton. Population, 11,169.) WILLIAM[ Y. BAKER (Rep.), of Oakdale, was
  born at Fort Ann, Washington county, N. Y., September 7, 1829; is a farmer
  by occupation; came to Wisconsin in 1855, and settled at Oakdale, where
  has continued to reside; has been chairman and clerk of his town, and was
  county commissioner in 1862- and 1863; was postmaster front 1865 to 1871,
  was elected Superintendent of the poor in 1873 and again in 1876. He received
  604 votes against 514 for Thomas McCaul (Dem,), and 491 for Alex. Kerr
  (Rep.), of Oconto, was born in Lutzen, Germany, January 20, 1835; received
  a common Echool education; is by occupation a ropemaker; immigrated in
  1853, and settled at Oconto; has been mayor of Oconto, and heid other local
  offices. He received 1,882 votes against 1,067 for 0. J. Yates (Dem.),
and 18
  for 0. Andrews (Prohibitionist).

  OUTAG.CIE COUNTY-FIrSTDIsT-ICT-. (The city of Appleton, and the
  towns of Buchanan, Center, Freedom, Grand Chute, and Kaukauna. Popu-
  lation 14,421,) WILLIAM SMITH WARNER (Ind. D.- m.), of Appleton, was
  born in the town ol Hector, Tompkins county, N. Y., February 1st, 1817;
  ceived a comiaon school educatiou; is a lawyer by .rofe.sion; came to Wis-
  consin in 1844, and settled at Watertown, but removed to Sheboyiran in
  and to Appleton in 1849; in 1852 was postmaster, justice of the peace and
  town superintendent of schools; since then has been police justice, city
  toiney, and alderman of the city of Appleton, and held other local offices,
  He received 1,'03 votes, against 5'3 for W. R. P. Bogden (Dem,).

  SECOND DISTRICT - (The towns of Bovina, Black Creek, Cicero, Dale, Deer
  Creek, Ellington, Greenville, Hoitoniai, Liberty, Maine, Mlaple Creek,
  born and Seymour, and the third 'yard of the village of New London. Fop-
  ulation 11,167.) FRANCIS STEFFEN (Ref. Dcm.),-P. 0. address, Horton-
  ville,--was boa n in Ohrenhofln, Rhine Prussia, November 5, 1816; received
  common school education; is a farmer by cccupation; immigrated'to the
United States in 1848, aLd settled at Schuyleisville, Saratoga county N.
came to Wisconsin in 1852, and settled at Ilortonv~lle; has held various
offices, and has been five times eltcted chairman of his town without opposi-
tion; was elected clerk of the circuit court in 1866, and chairman of the
county board of supervisors in 1877; entered the mi,;litary service in the
war in August, 1862, in Co. I., 32d Rog. Wis. Vol.; was with Gen. Grant in
the Yicksburg campaign in 1862 and "63; marched with Gen. Sherman on
Mleridian, Miss.;, campaign in 5864; took pait at the siege of Atlanta and
battle of Jonesboro, Tenn.; marched with Sherman to the Sea and into South
and North Carolina; took part in all the engagements with the command
until Johnston's surrender, near Raleigb, N. C., in April, 1865; marched
through to Washington, took part in the grand review in Mlay, 1865, and in
June was mustered out. He received 1,011 votes, against 818 for W. D. Jor-
dan (Greenback).