bO            WISCOiSIN      LEGIScULATI VB 3tAI UAfu.

ritory of Wisconsin, not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall oe and
continue part of the law of this State until altered or suspended by the
  SECTION 14. The Senators first elected in the even -numbered Senate Dis-
tricts, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and other State officers first
under this Constitution, shall enter upon the duties of their respective
on the first Monday of June next, and shall continue in office for one year
from the first Monday of January next. The Senators first elected in the
numbered Senate Districts, and the members of the Assembly first elected,
shall enter upon their duties respectively on the first Monday of June next,
and shall continue in office until the first Monday in January next.
  SEcTioN 15. The oath of office may be administered by any judge or jus-
tice of the peace, until the Legislature shall otherwise direct.


  Resolved, That the Congress of the United States be, and is hereby re
  quested, upon the application of Wisconsin for admission into the Union,
  to alter the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "an act to
grant a
  quantity of land to the Territory of Wisconsin, for the purpose of aiding
  opening a canal to connect the waters of lake Michigan with those of Rock
  river," approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
and so
  to alter the terms and conditions of the grant made therein, that the odd
  numbered sections thereby granted, and remaining unsold, may be held and
  disposed of by the State of Wisconsin, as part of the five hundred thousand
  acres of land to which said Sta~e is entitled by the provisions of an act
  Congress, entitled "an act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales
of the public
  lands, and to grant pre-emption rights," approved the fourth day of
  ber, eighteen hundred and forty- one; and further, that the even numbered
  sections reserved by Congress may be offered for sale by the United States
  the same minimum price, and subject to the same rights of pre-emption as
  other public lands of the United States.
  Resolved, That Congress be further requested to pass an act whereby the
  excess price over and above one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre,

  may have been paid by the purchasers of said even numbered sections which
  shall have been sold by the United States, be refunded to the present
  owners thereof, or they be allowed to enter any of the public lands of
  United States, to an amount equal In value to the excess so paid.
  Resolved, That in case the odd numbered sections shall be ceded to the
  State as aforesaid, the same shall be sold by the State in the same manner
  other school lands. Provided, that the same rights of pre-emption as are
  now granted by the laws of the United States shall be secured to persons
  who may be actually settled upon such lands at the time of the adoption
  this Constitution: And provided further, that the excess price over and
  above one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, absolutely or conditionally
  contracted to be paid by the purchasers of any part of said sections which