OFFICIAL DIRECTORY.                        469

  FOURTH DiSTRICT- (The towns of Beaver Dam, Calamus, Elba, Portland,
Shields and Westford, and the city of Beaver Dam. Population 10,991.)
EDWARD C. McFETRtDGE (Rep.), of Beaver Dam, was born in Roches-
ter, N. Y., April 15th 1836; received an academic education; read law and
was admitted to practice at Rochester in the spring of 1858; came to Wiscon-
sin the same year and settled at Beaver Dam, where he followed his profes-
sion as a lawyer until 1866, when he engaged in the manufacture of woolen
goods, and is now one of the proprietors of the Beaver Dam Woolen Mills;
been elected superintendent of schools and mayor of Beaver Dam; has also
served as county treasurer of Dodge Co., and was one of the presidential
tors chosen in 1872 on the republican ticket. He received 99. votes aeainst
629 for Peter Miller (Dem.), and 3S for 0. H. Crow! (Prohibition).

  Doon ( oeNTY. - Population 8,020. EDWARD S. MlNOR (Rcp), of Fish
Creek, was born at Point Peninsula, Jefferson county, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1839;
received . common school education; is by occupation a merchant; came to
Wisconsin with his parents in 1844, and settled in the town of Greenfield,
Milwaukee county; afterwards removed to the city of Milwaukee, and thence
to Door county; was enrolled on the 20th day of Decemb r, 1861, in Co "G,"
2d Wisconsin cavalry; re-enlisted January 13th, 1861: promoted to 2d Lieu-
tenant August 1st, 1865, and to 1-t Lieutenant October 21, 1865, and was
mustered out with the regiment November 15th, 1865. Participated in the bat-
tles of Newtonia, Missouri, October 4, 1862; PrAirie Grove, December 7th,
1862; Van Buren, Arkansas, December 28th, 1862; Hall's'Planlation, October
3d, 1864, Woodville, Mississippi, October 6th, 1864, near Yazoo City, Decem-
ber 1st, 1864; Egypt Station, Mississippi, December 26th, 1864, and was also
engaged in many raids and skirmishes on the march through the states of
M1issouri, Arkansis, Tennessee, Louisiana and Texas. He received 551 votes
against 4"27 for G, orge Basford (Dem.).
  Du.xN COuNTY- -Populalion 13,4127. FREDERIC GEORGE BARLOW
  (Rep.) --P. 0. address, Rock Fall-_;- was born in the town o0 Stratford,
  county, N. HI., July 26, 1839; received a common school education; is by
  pation a farmer and manufacturer; came to Wisc u-tin in 1866, and se-tled
  Eau Claire, but in 1868 removed to the town of Rock Creek, Dunn Co., where
  he now resides; has been chairman of his town for the lact two years, and
  held other local offices. He received 1, 1-6 votes against 826 for Theo.
  (Dem.), and 124 foe N. F. Carpenter (Socialist).
  EAU CLAIRE COuNTY--Population 15,991. JULIUS G. INGRAM (Rep.),
  of Eau Claire, was born in SaratogA county, N. Y., May 31, 1832; received
  common Echool education; is a lumberman by occul ati )n; came to Wiscon-
  sin in 1864, and settled at Eau Claire. Ile received 1,117 votes against
  for Henry H. Hayden (Dem.), and 419 for D. C. Wh-pple (Greenback).
  FOND DU LAC COUNTY-FiRST DcsTRIcT-(The towns of Alto, Eldorado, Me
  tomen, Spriagvale, Ripon and Rosendale, and the city of Ripon. Population
  11,970.) URIAH WOOD, (Rep.)-P. 0. address, Brandon-was born In Cato