THE RULES AND ORDERSI-ASSEMBLY.                     269


  65.-No member or other person shall visit or remain by the Clerk's table
while the yeas and nays are being called.

                         CALL OF THE HOUSE.

  66.-Any fifteen members may make a call of the House and require ab-
sent members to be sent for; but a call of the House cannot be made after
the voting has commenced.
  67.-On a call of the House being moved, the Speaker shall say: "It
requiring fifteen members to order a call of the House, those in favor of
call will rise;" and if fifteen or more shall rise, the call shall be
  68.-A call of the House being ordered, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall close
the doors, and no member shall be allowed to leave the room.
  69.-The clerk shall immediately call the roll of members, and note the
absentees, whose names shall be read, and entered upon the journal in such
manner as to show who are absent with leave, and who are absent without
leave. The Clerk shall furnish the Sergeant-at-Arms with a list of those
who are absent without leave; and the Sergeant-at-Arms shall forthwith
proceed to find and bring in such absentees.
  70.-While the Assembly is under a call, no business shall be transacted,
except to receive and act upon the report of the Sergeant-at-Arms; and no
other motion shall be in order, except a motion to adjourn and a motion to
suspend further proceedings under the call; which motion shall be determined
by yeas and nays; and the motion to suspend further proceedings under the
call shall not be adopted unless a majority of all the members elect votedin
favor thereof.
  71.-Upon the Sergeant-at-Arms making a report showing that all who
  were absent without leave, (naming them) are present, such report shall
  entered on the journal, and the call shall be at an end; and thereupon
  doors shall be opened, and the business or motion pending at the time the
  call was made shall be proceeded with.
  72.-The Sergeant-at-Arms may make report of his proceedings at any
  time, which report may be accepted, and further proceedings under the call
  thereby dispensed with; but the motion to accept such report shall be deter-
  mined by yeas and nays, and it shall not be adopted unless a majority of
  the members elect shall vote in favor thereof. If such report be not ac-
  cepted, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall proceed to a completion of his duties,
  required by rule 69.
                          PREVIOUS QUESTION.

   73.-When any bill, memorial or resolution is under consideration, any
 member being in order and having the floor, may move the "previous
 tion;" but such motion shall not be deemed to be seconded unless fifteen
 members concur tnerem.
   74.-The previous question being moved, the Speaker shall say. "It