OFFICIAL DIRECTORY.                         4-3

                      Tt'E STATE OFFICERS.
                  [State officers are chosen for a term of two year.1


  WILLIAMI E. SMITH, of Milwaukee, was born in Scotland June 18, 1824,;
,came to the United States in early childhood.; received a public school
,cation; is by occupation a merchant: came to WiVconsin in 1849, and settled
at Fox Lake, having previounly -eraided in New York city, and Oakland coun-
ty, Michigan; removed to ,Milwaukee In 1 72, wa e-e he has since cont nued
reside; was member of assembly in 1S51 and in 1i-_'7, and was speaker or
assembly during the latter year-; was state senator in 185S and 1859 and
in 1864 and 1865. Served as state treasurer in 1l66, 1867, !SGS ard 1869;
was a
member of the board of regents of normal schools from IS58 to 1876, and has
been a d.rector of the State Prisdn since January, 1874. He was elected gov-
ernor of the state in 1877, as a xepublican, receiving 78,759 votes, against
for James A. Mallory, democrat, and 26,216 for Edward P. Allis, greenbacker.
                        Xieutena-t Goreernor,

  JAMES A. BINllAMI, of Chippewa Falls, was born in Perry, Wyoming
,county, New York, February 6, 1828; ieceived an academic education; is
.b)y profession a lawyer; he came to Wisconsin in 1851 and settled at Pal-
myra and thence removed to Chippewa Falls in! 1870; was a member of the
assembly in 1863, 1864, 1869 and 1870, and in the last year was chosen speaker
of that hcdy. Was major of the 40th Wisconsin volunteer infantry during its
term of .r:vice. He was elected lieutenant govycrnur ia 1q77 as a republican,
receiving 77.9-22 votcr, ugain.ot 71,6.',6 for D. E. Djvis, lileral democrat,
2.5,745 for E. H. -Benton, ,rcenbacker.

                          Seert(I.ry of .;tfteo.
   HANS B. WARNNE R, of Ellsworth, Pierce county, was born at Gudbrands-
 dalen, Nor ay, July 12, 1844; received a cormnon School education.; is by
 opation a farmer; immigratedcand set-led in Dodge county, Wisconsin, in
 and thence removed to Pierce county in i.55, wvhere he has since rcsided.
 enlisted in April, 1864, as a private in Co. G., :37,h regiment Wisconsin
 teer inlant:v; was wounded and captured in front of Petersburg, Va., July
 30, 1864, and was held a prisoner of war in Danville and Libby prisons until
 paroled September.1, 1864; was dischargedfrom service on account of wounds
 .received in battle, July.18, 1865. He has held var'ous local offices and
 the position of countyclerk of P.ierce county from January, 1869, to Decem-
 .cember 24, 1877, when he resigned to assume the duties of secretary of
 an office to which he was elected as a republican in 1877, receiving 78,506,
 votes, against 71,659 for James B. Hayes, democrat, and 25,077 for.Joseph
 Olsborn, gxecmbacker.