

the members elect to each Rouse concur therein, but no removal shall be
made by virtue of this section, unless the judge complained of shall have
been served with a copy of the charges against him as the ground of address,
and shall have had an opportunity of being heard in his defense. On the
question of removal, the ayes and noes shall be entered on the journals.
  SECiTON 14. There shall be chosen in each county, by the qualified elect-
ors thereof, a Judge of Probate, who shall hold his office for two years,
until his successor shall be elected and qualified, and whose jurisdiction,
powers and duties shall be prescribed by law. Provided, however, That the
Legislature shall have power to abolish the office of Judge of Probate in
county, and to confer probate powers upon such inferior courts as may be
established in said county.
  SE-c'riox- 15. The electors of the several towns, at their annual town
ings, and the electors of cities and villages, at their charter elections,
shall in
such manr.er as the LegiSlature may direct, elect justices of the peace,
term of office shall be for two years, and until their successors in office
be elected, and qualified. In case of an election to fill a vacancy occurring
before the expiration of a full term, the justice elected shall hold for
residue of the unexpired term. Their number and classifications shall be
regulated by law. And the tenure of two years shall in no wise interfe e
with the classification in the first instance. The justices thus elected
have such civil and criminal jurisdiction as shall be prescribed by law.
  SECTION 16. The Legislature shall pass laws for the regulation of tribunals
of conciliation, defining their powers and duties. Such tribunals may be
established in and for any township, and shall have power to render judg.
ment, to be obligatory on the parties, when they shall voluntarily submit
matter in difference to arbitration, and agree to abide the judgment, or
thereto in writing.
  SECTIoN 17. The style of all writs and process shall be, "The State
of Wis-
consin." All criminal prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and
the authority of the same; and all indictments shall conclude against the
peace and dignity of the State.
  SEc-rbox 18. The Legislature shall impose a tax on all civil suits commenced
or prosecuted in the municipal, inferior, or circuit courts, which shall
tute a fund to be applied toward the payment of the salary of the judges.
  SECTION-- 19. The testimony in causes in equity shall be taken in like
ner as in cases at law; and the office of master in chancery is hereby prohib-
  SECTION 20. Any suitor in any court in this State shall have the right
prosecute or defend his suit either in his own proper person or by an attorney
or agent of his choice.
  SECTION 21. The Legislature shall provide by law for the speedy publica-
tion of all statute laws, and of such judicial decisions made within the
as may be deemed expedient. And no general la v shall be in force until
  SECTION 22. The Legislature, at its first session after the adoption of