ENGROSSMENT OF BILLS.
    26.--Whenever an Assembly bill, which is fairly written, without inter.
  ilneation or erasure, is ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, without
  amendment, the Committee on Engrossed Bills may report such bill back to
  the Assembly as the engrossed bill.

                       REPORT ON ENROLLED BILLS.
   27.-The Committee on Enrolled Bills shall not report any bill as cor-
   rectly enrolled that has any words interlined therein, or when any words
 have been erased therefrom.
   28.-It shall be in order for the Committee on Enrolled Bills to report
 any time, except when questions are being taken, or a Call of the House
 being had.
   29.-No standing or select committee, nor any member thereof, shall
 report any "1 substitute," or "amendment," for any bill,
or bills, or resolu-
 tion, referred to such committee, which substitute or amendment relates
 a different subject, er is intended to accomplish a different purpose than
 of the original bill or resolution for which it is reported, or which, if
 and passed, would require a title essentially different than the title of
 original bill or resolution; or any substitute bill or resolution so reported
 shall be rejected whenever the Assembly is advised that the same is in vio-
 lation of this rule. And this rule shall not be suspended without the unani-
 mous consent of the Assembly, and shall apply to bills or resolutions origi-
 nating in the Senate, as well as those originating in the Assembly,
 3O.-No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under
 consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment, and no bill or
 resolution shall at any time be amended by annexing thereto, or incorpora-
 ting therein, any other bill or resolutlon pending before the Assembly.

                  Journal and Order of .Business.
                             THE JOURNAL.
  31. -The journal of each day's proceedings shall be printed in pamphlet
form and laid upon the desks of members the following morning. The jour-
nal need not be read unless ordered by the Assembly. Any member discov-
ering an error in the journal may call the attention of the Assembly to such
error and have the same corrected by the Clerk.

                          ORDER OF BUSINESS.
  32.-After an opportunity shall have been given to correct the journal,
the order of business shall be as follows:
  1. Letters, petitions, memorials, accounts, remonstrances and accompany-
       ing documents may be presented and referred.
  2. Resolutions may be offered.
  3. Resolutions may be considered.
  4. -Bills may be Introduced, and notice of leave to Introduce bills may