STATE INSTITUTIONS.                         307

  Tuition is free to all students who are admitted to these normal schools
under the following regulations of the board of regents:
  1. Each assembly district In the. state shall be entitled to six representa,
tives in the normal school, and in case vacancies exist in the representation
to which any assembly district is entitled, such vacancies may be filed by
the president and secretary of the board of regents.
  2. Candidates for admission shall be nominated by the superintendent of
the county (or if the county superintendent has not jurisdiction, then the
nomination shaHl be made by the city superintendent), in which such candi-
date ma;- reside, aid shall be at least sixteen years of age, of sound bodily
health, and good moral character. Each person so nominated shall receive
a certificate Setting forth his name, age, health and character, and a duplicate
of such certificate shall be immediately sent by mail, by the superintendent
to the secrtary of the board.
  3. Upon the presentation of such certificate to the president of a normal
school, the candidate shall be examined under the direction of said pre-zident
in the branches required by law for a third grade certificate, except history
and theory and practice of teaching, and if found qualified to enter the
mal school in respect to learning, he may be admitted after furnishing such
evidence as the president may require, of good health and good moral char-
acter, and after subscribing to the following declaration:
  I, -- -, do hereby declare that my purpose in entering the state normal
school is to fit mysel- for the profe-sion of 'teaching, and that it Is my
tion to engage in teaching in the schools of the state.
  4. No per:zon h1ai 1.v entitleid to 2. diploma, who has not been a member
the school in whic" -,u,:ch d'tnoma :s  ran:ed. at 1caii: one year,
nor atho is
less than nineteen yearz ooa:f " a c- rtC Cale Gf al:el -. cc nay be
granted by
the president of a norma: S-'lcoi. to an-. person -.ho Shall have been a
member of such school for on  t .. . rovY:d,-], that in his judgment, such
certificate is deserved.
  As an addition to the work of the normnal Schcol_. the board of regents
authorized to expend a sum not exceeding .,ana- .-- to sustain teach-
ers' institutes, and may employ an agent for that pu~p~ e. Institutes are
garded as important auxiliaries and feeders to the normai schools. At pres-
ent one professor from each normal school is employed in conducting insti-
tutes every spring and fall.
  The iiormal school fund now amounts to nearly one million dollars, and
yields an annual income of over eighty-five thousand dollars. It will be
creased by the further sale of swamp lands, and will prove ample for the
jects for which it is set apart.