592                           WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK

                             IN WISCONSIN 1953-581

                                                Average Number of Employes
                                    1953  1954  1955  1956  1957  1958

Total ...........480,640
Food and kindred products ..........  59,116
Textile mill products ......................  8,681
Apparel and related products ....   8,586
Lumber and wood products .......... 22,429
Furniture and fixtures ....................  11,286
Pulp, paper and products ............  32,719
Printing and publishing ................  18,841
Chemicals and products ................ ......
Petroleum and coal products ......    ......
Rubber products....................
Leather and leather goods ............  18,972
Stone, clay, and glass products
Primary metal industries ..............  26,998
Fabricated metal products ............  36,790
Machinery, except electrical ........  92,954
Electrical machinery ......................  40,894
Transportation equipment ............  36,380
Instruments and related products    6,547
Miscellaneous manufactures ........ 28,003
Administrative and auxiliary ....   6,985

439,215   463,965   482,118   474,760   428,735
63,217     63,763    65,741    64,728    64,096
  7,670     7,723     8,309     7,720     7,159
  8,458     8,322     8,230     8,174     7,055
  17,970   20,208    21,691    22,016    16,235
  10,571   11,680    11,456    10,721     8,590
  33,124   33,407    34,356    34,780    36,279
  19,895   20,183    21,221    21,816    20,689
  8,835     8,563     8,137     7,469     6,281
                       . ....3,835
  4,690     4,804     5,006     4,636     7,147
  17,583   18,110    18,119    17,578    16,924
  4,704     5,172     5,158     5,175     6,322
  25,932   28,573    30,662    30,374    25,181
  32,845   35,060    35,005    34,529    32,752
  87,171   92,239   100,529    97,563    81,459
  35,570   39,685    44,550    42,380    40,271
  28,606   34,435    32,097    31,618    32,681
  7,655     8,696     8,492    10,229    10,676
                       ....       ..      8,158
  9,296     9,296     9,296     9,296      ......

                                          Value Added by Manufacture (Adjusted)
                                   1953      1954      1955     1956    
 1957       1958
                                 ($1,000)  ($1,000)  ($1,000)  ($1,000) 
($1,000)  ($1,000)

Total .................................................... $3,635,768  $3,333,976
 $3,652,743  $3,948,529  $4,050,624  $3,959,537
Food and kindred products ..........  519,249  514,597 544,703  530,464 
 547,254   624,690
Textile mill products ......................  39,379  39,759  52,035  54,771
 55,095 49,283
Apparel and related products ...... 40,435   37,753    41,847    42,230 
  39,210    40,811
Lumber and wood products ..........  105,220 85,614  99,946     105,410 
 108,193    85,603
Furniture and fixtures ....................  65,314  63,741  70,970  69,182
60,925   57,878
Pulp, paper and products ............  301,273  317,849  347,471 380,749
 383,217   402,698
Printing and publishing ................  136,120  141,903  149,890  158,859
 166,159  165,821
Chemicals and products ................ ......  93,608 95,875  97,455   
  97,162   105,321
Petroleum and coal products ......    ......    ..                      
Rubber products ..............................41,335   42,220    43,585 
  44,391    72,430
Leather and leather goods ............  94,599  93,614 105,470  102,545 
 105,753   108,367
Stone, clay, and glass products              36,186    44,032    48,422 
  49,446    64,687
Primary metal industries ..............  205,454  191,715  224,949  267,701
 278,192 213,947
Fabricated metal products-.........285,463  256,684   285,998   304,427 
 303,320   311,207
Machinery, except electrical ......  764,869 715,291  747,717   881,374 
 878,032   766,320
Electrical machinery  .............309,387  280,681   308,670   371,310 
 387,175   358,090
Transportation equipment ............  317,084  251,243  310,137 295,652
 349,879   357,798
Instruments and related products   41,042    56,245    66,116    74,453 
  80,421   100,884
Miscellaneous manufactures ........ 215,417     ......    ......    ......
   ...... 62,479
Administrative and  auxiliary .... ......       ......    ......    ......
   ......    ......

'U.S. Bureau of Census Annual Survey of Manufactures, 1953, 1956, preliminary
survey 1957
and the 1958 Census of Manufactures, Wisconsin. Data may not be strictly
comparable for
various years due to change in categories.