WISCONSIN CONSTITUTION                         287

  9th. For incorporating any city, town or village, or to amend the char-
ter thereof.
  General laws on enumerated subjects. Section 32. The legislature shall
provide general laws for the transaction of any business that may be
prohibited by section thirty-one of this article, and all such laws shall
uniform in their operation throughout the state.
  Auditing of state accounts. Section 33. The legislature shall provide
for the auditing of state accounts and may establish such offices and
prescribe such duties for the same as it shall deem necessary.
  Continuity of civil government. Section 34. The legislature, in order
to ensure continuity of state and local governmental operations in
periods of emergency resulting from enemy action in the form of an
attack, shall (1) forthwith provide for prompt and temporary suc-
cession to the powers and duties of public offices, of whatever nature
and whether filled by election or appointment, the incumbents of which
may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties of such
offices, and (2) adopt such other measures as may be necessary and
proper for attaining the objectives of this section.
                             ARTICLE V.

  Governor; lieutenant governor; term. Section 1. The executive power
shall be vested in a governor, who shall hold his office for two years; a
lieutenant governor shall be elected at the same time, and for the same
  Eligibility. Section 2. No person except a citizen of the United States
and a qualified elector of the state shall be eligible to the office of gover-
nor or lieutenant governor.
  Election. Section 3. The governor and lieutenant governor shall be
  elected by the qualified electors of the state at the times and places
choosing members of the legislature. The persons respectively having
the highest number of votes for governor and lieutenant governor shall
be elected; but in case two or more shall have an equal and the highest
number of votes for governor, or lieutenant governor, the two houses
of the legislature, at its next annual session shall forthwith, by joint
ballot, choose one of the persons so having an equal and the highest
number of votes for governor, or lieutenant governor. The returns of
election for governor and lieutenant governor shall be made in such
manner as shall be provided by law.
   Powers and duties. Section 4. The governor shall be commander in
 chief of the military and naval forces of the state. He shall have power
 convene the legislature on extraordinary occasions, and in case of inva-
 sion, or danger from the prevalence of contagious disease at the seat of
 government, he may convene them at any other suitable place within the
 state. He shall communicate to the legislature, at every session, the con-
 dition of the state, and recommend such matters to them for their consid-
 eration as he may deem expedient. He shall transact all necessary busi-
 ness with the officers of the government, civil and military. He shall
 expedite all such measures as may be resolved upon by the legislature,
 and shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
   Compensation of governor. Section 5. Repealed Nov. 1932, Jt. Res. 52,
   Pardoning power. Section 6. The governor shall have power to grant
 reprieves, commutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses,
 except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions and with
 such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such
 regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying
 for pardons. Upon conviction for treason he shall have the power to
 suspend the execution of the sentence until the case shall be reported to