48                  WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK

        Marinette           Milwaukee, 1st        Milwaukee, 2nd

   ROBERT D. HAASE (Rep.) born Marinette May 10, 1923. Educated
 Marinette public schools. Received LL.B. in 1951 from Univ. of Wisconsin
 Law School. Practicing attorney. World War II veteran; in Army Air
 Corps 1942-46. Past comdr. Marinette Amer. Legion; member "40 et 8",
 Amvets, Elks. Elected to Assembly 1956; re-elected 1958 and '60. Chosen
 Rep. Assembly Floor Leader 1961, Caucus Chairman 1959. Chairman
 Assembly Rules Committee; vice-chin. Elections Com., Secy. Legis.
 Council. Member ad hoc Com. on Tax Revision, Assembly Judiciary
 Com. Served on Legis. Council and Interstate Ports Comn. 1959-61;
 chairman Legis. Council Ports and Navigation Com. 1957-59. Home
 address: 1221 Main St., Marinette.

 LOUIS L. MERZ (Dem.) born Milwaukee July 20, 1908. Attended
 Milwaukee parochial schools; Univ. of Wis.-Milw. 2 years; evening
 courses Milw. Vocational School. Real estate and sales broker, sales
 rep.; formerly pres. and gen. mgr. wood and plastics fabricating plant.
 Served in  Naval Reserve.   Retired  member of Intnatl. Assn. of
 Machinists; member Democratic Party, Amer. Arbitration Assn., Eagles,
 S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Holy Name Soc. Served on Milw. Zoning Bd. of Ap-
 peals 12 years, member Public Enterprise Com. of Milw. Elected to
 Assembly 1956, re-elected 1958, '60. Chairman Assembly Commerce-
 Manufactures Com. 1959, member '61. Member Dem. Policy Com.,
 Assembly Highways Com.; Secy. Legis. Council Water Resources Com.
 Home address: 5373 N. 13th St., Milwaukee 9.
 Milwaukee County, 1st District: Ward 1, City of Milwaukee.

 FRANK G. DIONESOPULOS (Dem.) born Milwaukee Jan. 10, 1935.
 Educated Milwaukee public schools. Attended    Spencerian Business
 College for 2 years. Law clerk and process server; former owner of
 wholesale photo finishing firm. Member of Eagles; on board of directors
 of Eagles Luncheon Club and St. Joseph Children's Home. Served as
 Milwaukee County Coroner 1959-1960. Elected to the Assembly in 1960.
 Member of Assembly Municipalities Committee. Home address: 2129
W. Walnut St., Milwaukee 5.
  Milwaukee County, 2nd District: Ward 2, City of Milwaukee.