nursing home personnel.
  2. Provides consultative services to  public health  agencies,
     hospitals, and nursing homes in physical therapy, occupational
     therapy, rehabilitation nursing, and speech and hearing.
  3. Encourages and assists communities in developing co-ordina-
     tion among available resources for total and continuous
     patient care.
  4. Assists long-term   care institutions in developing planned
     activity programs including the training of employes and
     volunteers, suggesting activities, equipment, and scheduling.
  5. Collects and makes available information relating to the
     older citizen and state and local resources available to him.
  6. Assists public health nursing services and their governing
     bodies in developing home nursing care services. Provides
     full or partial financial support for these programs.
  Section on Maternal and Child Health. Promotes the health of
mothers, infants, and children through various educational, dem-
onstration, and training programs of the following divisions.
  Bureau of Maternal and Child Health. Provides consultation
and advisory service to physicians, public health personnel, hos-
pitals, schools, and interested individuals or agencies; participates
in educational and training programs for lay and professional
groups; and makes educational materials available.
   1. Reviews state and local health problems and needs relating
     to mothers and children and assists communities in planning
     and carrying on health programs and services.
     a. Hospital nursing consultation to obstetric and pediatric
        hospital staff, assistance in adoption of new methods and
        techniques, loan of incubators for care of immature in-
        fants, and help in staff training programs.
     b. Public health nursing consultation to public health per-
        sonnel in regard to community activities such as expectant
        parent classes, parent study groups, readiness-for-school
        programs, and selective physician  referrals for public
        health nursing home visits.
   2. Conducts or participates with state and local medical societies,
      other state departments, and private agencies in special
      studies, workshops, institutes, and meetings for undergradu-
      ate and postgraduate education of public health personnel,
      physicians, nurses, teachers, and others working with children
      and families.
   3. Provides educational aids, such as the prenatal letter service,
      literature, films, and guides for parents and professional and
      lay groups.
   School Health Division. Directs activities toward the improve-
ment of school-community co-operation in developing a desirable
and inclusive plan to establish and maintain the best possible
physical and emotional health for each child.