Industry and Business
  Authorizing and Regulating a State Bank, by William E. Nuesse,
1956 Blue Book, pp. 178-182.
  Approving the Plans and Construction of Certain Buildings, by
Roger Ostrem, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 174-177.
  An Engineering Service Function - The Electrical Standards and
Instrumentation Laboratories, by Robert J. Parent, 1956 Blue Book,
pp. 214-217.
  Licensing by the State, by M. G. Toepel, 1956 Blue Book, pp.
  An Overview of the Relationship of Wisconsin State Government
to Business, by Warren J. Samuels, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 71-82.
  Protecting the Public and Producer Interests in Public Utilities,
by H. J. O'Leary, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 204-208.
  Regulating the Transportation of Passengers within Urban Com-
munities, by A. W. Larson, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 201-203.
   Restraints on the Sale of Securities, by Edward J. Samp, 1956
Blue Book, pp. 141-145.
   Safeguarding Our Food Supply, by Jerry Dunn, 1956 Blue Book,
pp. 163-167.
   Securing Permission to Operate a "For Hire" Truck, by Eugene
Henkel, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 194-200.
   State Regulation of Advertising, by Kathleen Kepner, 1956 Blue
Book, pp. 183-193.
   The University Promotes Community Employment Development,
by Kenneth E. Rindt, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 168-173.
   Wisconsin's Commerce, 1958 Blue Book, pp. 129-138.
   Wisconsin's Industry, 1958 Blue Book, pp. 115-127.
   State Services in Bringing the Job and the Worker Together, by
A. L. Beier, 1956 Blue Book, pp. 129-135.
   The State and Labor Relations, by Arvid Anderson, 1956 Blue
 Book, pp. 136-140.

   Members of Wisconsin Legislatures: For 1848 to 1915, inclusive,
 1915 Blue Book, pp. 253-315 and pp. 488-539; for 1917 to 1927, in-
 clusive, 1927 Blue Book, pp. 643-652; for 1927 to 1935, inclusive,
 1935 Blue Book, pp. 261-266; for 1937 to 1943, inclusive, 1944
 Blue Book, pp. 186-190; for 1945 to 1957, inclusive, 1958 Blue
 Book, pp. 315-322.
   Statute Lawmaking in Wisconsin, by Edwin E. Witte, 1937 Blue
 Book, pp. 129-154.
   State Aid to Libraries, by C. B. Lester, 1940 Blue Book, pp. 155-