840                       SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE.
This is a great improvement over the old-style
proof press. The circumference of the cylinder, or
roller, is the same measurement as the printing
surface of the bed, the cylinder revolving once
from stop to stop. Notice particularly that these
are extra-heavy machines. The No. 1 cylinder
weighs 85 pounds, and is ample weight for a full
galley proof.  Other cylinders of proportionate
weights.   The cylinder is covered, with a felt
blanket, and a brayer is furnished with each press,
excepting those without iron stands. Nos. 1 to 5
have shelf for paper underneath the cabinet.-0ir.
8'"PPING WEtGT                                                   PRICE
No. 0. 9 x27, with iron stand.., 219 lbs.  $25 00
No. 1. 10Y4x32, with iron stand... 235 lbs.  30 00
No. 2. 16)x35, with iron stand... 430 lbs.  40 00
No. 3. 20 x38, with iron stand... 70flbs.  6000
No. 4. 24 x42, with iron stand,.. 850 lbs.  75 00
No. 5. 27 x54, with iron stand.. 1,000 lbs.  90 00
These proof presses are the same style as those de-
scribed above, but without stand.
No.00. 9 x27bed.. ..              . .185 lbs.  $1500
No. 01. 103x  2 bed   ..... ........ .... 175 lbs.  2000
No. 02. 16(x 5bed    ........... ........ 345 lbs.  3000
The accompanying cut represents the latest pro-
duction for taking proofs of matter. Ink the form
with a proof-roller, dampen the paper, and lay on
type, place the proof press astride the matter, and if
on a galley roll from bottom to top. It is equally ap-
plicable to a job locked up in a chase, on a galley or
tied up with a string. A rubber cylinder gives the
impression. Distance between wheels, nine inches.

