No. 3 Monitor Wire Stitcher.
No. 3 Monitor Wire Stitcher is especially adapted for small
pamphlet work; runs quickly, smoothly, and noiselessly. It is
simple and quickly adjusted for various work. Has spool ten-
sion, self-acting gauge, combination flat and saddle table. No
change of parts for different thicknesses of work or different
sizes of wire. Capacity, 2 sheets to Y, inch. Furnished com-
plete with wire-nippers, oil can and screw-driver.- Circular.
No. 4 Monitor Wire Stitcher.
To reach the demand of small offices not provided With
power, herewith is shown a small foot-power stitcher at a price
to bring it within the range of all medium-sized offices. This
machine will stitch paper from 2 sheets to Y inch, either flat or
saddle work. It feeds direct from, a spool, making its own
staples, at a cost of less than two cents per thousand. Will
stitch both flat and saddle work without change of parts for
different thicknesses of work or different sizes of wire. It has
its own pedestal, similar to our power machines, and is of the
same high standard of workmanship and material.- Circular.
Prices, weights, and capacities of the Monitor Automatic Wire Stitchers.
No. 00 Twentieth Century- combined roll and straight feed; capacity, 2 sheets WEIGHT SOXED  PRICE
to IX inches; uses 25 round wire 19 to 21Y9, flat wire ....... _.............. 680 lbs ....... $700 00
No. 0 Twentieth Century- combined roll and straight feed; automatic clamp;
capacity, 4 inch to 1,8 inches; uses 19 to 211 flat wire; flat work only ....... 575 lbs 6.... 00 00
No. 1 Twentieth Century-combined roll and straight feed; capacity, 2 sheets
to 7/  inch; uses 25 to 80 round wire, 20 to 25 flat wire ......4....... ......... 450 lbs  450 00
No. 14 Twentieth Century -combined roll and straight feed; capacity, 2 sheets
to %/g inch; uses 25 to 80 round wire, 20to25 flat wire ........................... 450 lbs  .300 00
No. 1% Roll Feed-capacity, 2 sheets-to / inch; uses 25 to 30 round wire, 20to25
flat wire  ......................................... . ...... ........ ..... ..........  375 lbs ... . 275  00
No. 2  Roll Feed-capacity, 2 sheets to X inch; uses 25 to 30 round wire, 20to25
flat  w ire  ...  ............... ....... . . . . .  .  .  ..   850.... I   lbs  ------  200  00
No. 2% Roll Feed Calendar Machine -capacity, 2 sheets to . inch; uses 25 to
80  round wire .............. ............... ... . .......... .... ..._ . ......... 340 lbs ---.... 175  00
No. 3  Direct Feed  same pattern as No.4 ,with power added; capacity, 2 sheets
to Y  inch; uses 25 to 30 round wire  ..  ......  .................... ..... .300 lbs-......  150  00
N5. 4 Direct Feed, foot power - capacity, 2 sheets to Y inch; uses 25 to 80
round  wire .............................................     ...... 270 lbs-__  100  00
All of the above have fiat and saddle table except No. 0.
We carry in stock the very best wire procurable, and it will be sold at prices as favorable as
any obtainable elsewhere.
The frequent changes in the prices of wire, on account of the fluctuations in the cost of metals,
prevents us from quoting prices in this book.