8A i2 a  24 Point Faust Text  u  $4 o
GEIDE[ral StorE
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36 Point Faust Text

24A5o a 8 Point Faust Text u 62 50
Grabbed Age and Voutb
Gnnot liqe together:
youth is full of pleasone,
Age is full of (ore
Voutb like summer morn,
AIge like minter meetber;
youtb like summer brave,
Age lihe minter bare.
Voutb is full of sport,
Age's breath is short;
Voutb is nimble, Age is lame;
Voutb is hot and bold,
Age is met end aold:
Voutb is wild, Age is tome.
Age, I do abbor thee:
Vouth, I do edore thee:
Oh love. my love is youngo
Age, I do defy thee,
0, sweet shepherd hie tbee!
For metbinls thoa stey'st
too long.

:Bargain Sale
(Nins FinE Sbo(is


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