Large, 212 x 6 inches
Small, 2Y2 inches square


Hamilton Patent Tilting Br

SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE.                                  749
Receives the bronze in a cavity on top (which
is closed tightly with a slide) and delivers it
through valves which are opened and closed by
the thumbscrew at the end, which regulates the
flow of bronze onto a sieve in the midst of fine
fur. The bronze is fed only as fast as wanted,
and just where wanted on the work, and not
over the whole table. No bronze escapes except
on the work being done, and a large quantity
usually wasted is thus saved.
.......          $2  s0
e. for light work                                                     so
Raoller Bracket.
qocket for Gal-
New York Case Bracket.
Double Case Bracket Style B.
Double Case Brackets. style A, fit on end of flat-
top  cabinet ---.              .......     50
Double Case Brackets, style B, fit oil any flat
su rface ,.....           .......................  1  25
New York Case Bracket .....    .........        5 s0
Hamilton Patent Tilting Bracket, with Galley
R est  . . ..   .  . ...  ........... .......  2  00
Galley  Brackets....................      .    60
acket. with Galley Rest. Roller Brackets, to hold six platen-press rollers .  50