Imeman Zitfe (fonbeneb.

T5A 5oa    6 Point German Title Cond.   $ go
flerbittert mir mcine freube nttdt wemt td tomme
Ulntritie bie (Befangent au bet (0cfHtngnf# Im ftterlanb
i5A 5o a   io Point German Title Cond.   $2 85
er  ine bauer tiefte joalIMaft
Zer lferbe-_ inbler terfor feine lferbe
i5A 5oa    x2 Point German Title Cond.   $3 45
Tojewrer ift mir ber grenub
Zooi and ben Rein faun io0 gebrauden

x5A 5oa    8 Point German Title Cond.   $2 45
(gil oreuoji(der flufat Inrbe uon bem
wran3ofen oef atgen nIu bantu in cin 2ager geraiOt
x5A 5oa    xx Point German Title Cond.   $3 o5
(iue 2i09e ift wie cin S dneebaff
3e Iiinger man ion wiilt je grii#r wirb er
x2A 4oa    14 Point German Title Cond.  $3 70
Zoa     $etraget ift tin (piege
zuro dveloen jeber idit fiIlb eigt

9 A 3o             x8 Point German Title Condensed.    $4 1o
Za webel Don  u   n bic fctbft HiMt maen o tucu
NamTe to   bn oriIublim  crftejft nub fprim Im   btu rfulrft
8A 25 a              20 Point German Title Condensed.   $4 20
greuRb Iioffc uidjt0 uub Iiirfft nibtO al
(frbeff mit Veibeutcfat uub bu lwirft gliIid     terbelt
7A  2oa              30 Point German Title Condensed.   $5 so
Zer 9Notb fommt jcruft lut Cte
Vit feluRem         blaffelu freubledjfu wlfdit