Excels all other types of platen presses
because: (1) The bed and frame are cast
In one piece, securing rigidity and keep-
ing all shafts in line in spite of irregular-
itiesin floor or foundation. (2) Theplaten
moves up squarely against the type, giving
a perfectly square impression. (3) The
platen has nine supports, and is extra
heavy, and is the only platen capable of
sustaining the powerful impression neces-
sary to secure the best results on lar e
forms of cuts. (4) The impression can te
thrown off instantly, the throw-off being
controlled by a bar directly behind the
splaten. (5) Theimression can be changed
instantly all over t e platen, varying from
the imperceptible to an eighth of an inch.
(6) The platen opens out widely, making
it easy to feed paper into it. (7) The ink
fountain is as efficient as the fountains on
the highest grade cylinder presses. It is
the most perfect working fountain for a
platen press ever made. (8) The opera-
tions of ink distribution and "inking 'the
:      form are distinct; each is performed by
a separate set of rollers. In addition to
*  the fountain ductor roller, there are four
ink distributors (two of composition, two
~-        - ...                                   of iron) which supply two inking cylin-
ders, from which the three form rollers
receive a fresh, distributed supply of ink at each impression. On all other types of presses the form
rollers have to distribute the crude ink as it leaves the fountain. (9) The form rollers can be held
against the inking cylinders for distribution, while getting up color, and need not touch the type
form. (10) The ink fountain can be divided by partitions for printing two or more colors at one
time. (11) The weight and strength are greater than in any other platen press, as it is designed
to do work that can not be safely attempted on any other type of press.
The Gally Universal is designed for use by the best class of printers. In the hands of competent
pressmen the press is the most durable, and will do first-class work in perfect register longer than
any other press. We can refer purchasers to presses which have been in constant use for twenty
years, doing perfect work to-day, and bidding fhir to give the best results for years to come.- Circular
Style No. I.
This is the regular press, adapted for general commercial letter-press work.
10x15  inches  inside  chase ..... ......0...........0....... ........................ ..................0.... ........... .......... ..... $350  00
13x19  inches  inside  chase ......... .......  ......4                               0 ................0..........0........ . . .................. . ........... .........  4s0  00
14x22  inches  inside  chase ...5                                                      5 ...........................................................   515  00
Complete with ink fountain, steam fixtures on press, combination belt-shifter and brake, f. o. b.
Style No. 2.
This style differs from style No. 1 in that it has double adjuster latches and steel section in large
13x19 inches inside chase ...................... ......................................$500 00
14x22 inches inside chase  ..7...................... -                              5 00
Style No. 3. Combination A.
For letter-press printing of the highest grade, cold embossing, stamping, and all work that can
be executed on a platen set to print at the height of type.
l0x15  inches  inside  ch ase  ........................ .. .  .............  -----------------------------------------...  .............. $450  00
18x19  inches  inside  chase  ....  ........ .. ............  ....................... ............................... ..............  600  00
14x22  inches  inside  chase  ... ... ....  6..........  ........ .........0.............................. .... ...................  650  00