24 Point
Poster shouted his directions to his
Modern Title
14 A 60a
$12.00. colleague, who shouted back
professional criticisms. "Salicy-
late of soda for that old woman?
What's the matter with salicylate
of chinchonidia? Don't want to
kill her before you get out of this
swamp, do you?" Dr. Tibbitt was
not a profane man; but at this
moment he could not restrain him-
self. "Damn you!" he said, with
such vigor that the elephant gave
a convulsive start. The Doctor
felt his seat depart from under
him--he was going--going into
space for a brief moment, and then
he scrambled up out of the soft mud
of the cow-wallow back of the
fence on which he had been sitting.