With removable roadways.
The Royal has a reach from eyelet set to back of arm
of 9 inches, and will set an eyelet in the center of a square
18 x 18 inches. Will set eyelets in paper, metal, leather,
cloth, etc.
The eyelet roadway or feed channel is made to feed
but one size eyelet; if other size eyelets are used on ma-
chine, an extra roadway is necessary. When ordering ma-
chine, specify by name the eyelet for which machine is to
be fitted. If extra roadways are wanted, be particular to
state the size of eyelet to be used. It takes only a. few
moments to change one roadway for another.
The Royal is easy to operate, weighs 45 pounds, is 15
inches high, 16 inches deep, and is a perfect working ma-
chine and very durable.
No. 3. The Royal, with one roadway.......... ...... $45 0
.  Extra  roadways, each  ......... ....... .......... ........ .  16  00
Power attachments, extra ...........      ......... 40 00
In ordering, send sample of eyelet to be used, as the roadway
will feed only one size of eyelet. An extra road-
way is required for each size of eyelet.
The Victor differs from the Royal in the reach only, which is 6Y2 inches, setting eyelets in a
square 13 x 13 inches,
It weighs 30 pounds, is 14 inches high, 15 inches deep, and is a perfect working and very durable
N o. 2.  The  V ictor,  w ith  one  roadw ay  ..........$...................... .......................................... . . ..... $40 00
E x t r a   r o a d w a y s ,  e a c h -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 4   0 0
Pow er  attachm ents,  extra ............................. ................... ......... ... .................................. . . . . . .   40  00
In ordering, send sample of eyelet to be used, as the roadway will feed only one size of eyelet. An extra
roadway is required for each size of eyelet.
B on e  feed  folders,  each  ............. .............  .... .................. .......... ... . .... ........... ...... $0  25
Bone  feed folders, per dozen ........ ......... ............. ........ .... ....... .......................................   2  00
We are manufacturers' agents for all the leading makes of folders, and are prepared to
make quotations on any style desired. Descriptive circulars, prices, terms, etc., on application.
Brass, 12  point, cut  to  new spaper  m easure, each ............0............ ............ ......... ...........   $ 0Is
18                                    ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................   20
M e t a l ,  1 8   "                         . ..... ..........  ......0__. .......... . ........ ........... . .....  0 5
i4 24  --.                                    ..........  ........................... .......  0 6