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2oA 3oa  8 Point Lightface Pastel  u  $2 15
Is a country wench, that is so far from
making herself beautiful by art, that
one look of hers is able to put all face-
physic out of countenance. She knows
a fair look is but a dumb orator to
commend virtue, therefore minds it
not. All her excellencies stand in her
so silently, as if they had stolen upon           6 Point Lightface Pastel
her without her knowledge. The lining          2sA 4oa  U      2 00
of her apparel, which is herself, is far         BIBLE TRANSLATION.
better than outsides of tissue; for             No literary undertaking in
though she be not arrayed in the spoil          any age of English Liter-
tu  ature has proved to be a.s
of the silkworm, she is decked in inno-         important in its results, as
cence, a far better wearing. She doth           the Translation of the Bible
not, with long lying in bed, spoil both         under the direction of King
James I. Of the labors of
her complexion and conditions: nature          Wicklif In translating the
Bible from the Latin Vul-
gate, and of the successful
exertions of Tyndale, In face
of every danger and even of
2oA 3oa  ro Point Lightface Pastel  u  $2 15  death, in giving to his coun-
trymen a version of the New
WILLIAM    SHAKSPEARE                       Testament in their vernac-
ular tongue, short accounts
The great dramatic poet, not of                 are given under the lives
England only, but of the world,                of those scholars, together
with specimens of their re-
was born at Stratford      on   the            spective translations. Sub-
Avon, in the county of Warwick,                 sequently, very many ver-
April 2:3, 1564. Of his early life,             sons appeared, of Which
of his education, of his personal
appearance, manners and hab-                   't " "'
its, we know scarcely anything.
"No letter of his writing," says
Hallam, "no record of his con-
versation, no character of him
drawn with any fullness by a
contemporary, can be produced."
He was sent for a short period
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