The accompanying cut is an illustration of the Moni-
tor Foot Perforator. For strength, durability, simplic-
ity of construction and adjustment, and the general
adaptability to the purposes for which it is intended, it
surely has no equal. The frame is securely braced and
bolted so as to prevent it being racked or twisted out of
shape, as this would cause undue wear on the needles or
dies. A very excellent feature of this machine, and one
that will be appreciated by the operator, is the sliding
slotted plates on front of needle bar (see cut) which
enables him to easily and quickly provide for stubs of
checks, etc., rendering a portion of the needles inopera-
tive. To do this he has but to loosen the thumb-screws on
the sliding plates, move the plates to a position over that
.   portion of the paper he wishes to perforate, tighten the
thumb-screws, and the perforator is ready for work.
That portion over which the space or spaces between the
places occur will remain unperforated. The needle bar
immediately above the plate is graduated to inches and
fractions of an inch, by which the plates may be ad-
justed., The table is also graduated, and has both side
and end gauges. Our machines are furnished with or without power, the power device being
very simple and quick in action. The machines are thoroughly guaranteed in every respect.
24-inch  Perforator, foot power.: .... .....  .  ........ ...... ....... ......  W eight 818 lbs.  $100  00
28-inch  Perforator, foot power ...... ...  . . ........................... ...... W eight 340 lbs.  125  00
24-inch Perforator, steam  power ...  ......  .................... .......... . Weight 355 lbs.  15000
28-inch Perforator, steam  power .. ........... ......   ...... .. ._ .  Weight 376 lbs.  175 00
This machine, the Gem Perforator, is perfect in all its
parts, made of the best material, and is the only perforator
made which has hardened and tempered steel dies. The per-
forations are round, as on postage stamps. Needles bent by
accident or otherwise can be removed very easily, and others
inserted, as the needles are all independent and are not
soldered together-a notable fault with, other perforators
now in use. When needles are worn too short new ones can
be purchased for fifty cents per hundred from the dealer.
One hundred extra needles, one pair of pliers, one screw-
driver, one file for sharpening needles, and directions for
operating, sent with each perforator.-CircWar.
15-inch  ......... .............. ................. .................  $40  00
20-in ch   ........................................ ........................................   so  00
24-inch .................................................... 60 00
28-in ch  ...  0............ ..... ...... ...................................0......  70  00