stories in height and 60 by 125 feet 18Point
in area and a rear building of the 3or:o
,same height 60 by 50 feet. The fore- '13o
part of the first floor of the front building
is occupied by the business offices, which
are finished in black walnut throughout,
and are commodious and well equipped--
in themselves, with the large clerical
force, significant of the volume of the
trade done. Slightly to the rear on each
side of the lofty room is arranged an ex-
pansive array of packages of type ready
for shipment on short notice. The balance
of the space is taken up with a display of
new machines of every description and
manufacture, including all the different
makes of job presses, Babcock air-spring
presses and Howard Iron Works paper-
cutting machinery. Leaving the counting
room and the large and interesting exhibit
of mechanical ingenuity and skill, the vis.
itor takes the passenger elevator run by
an independent sixteen horse power engine