25 A x5o a               8 Point Legal Italic No. 5  u         $5 00
WHEREAS, a society having been formed for the promotion of universal happiness
and good-will among all classes of citizens, of whatever nationality or color; and
whereas, this society having been named by its promoters and organizers, in accordance
with the objects of its organization, The American Universal Fellowship League, each
and every member thereof binds himself to the strict observance of the by-laws which
make it obligatory to use his best endeavors to promote happiness and good-will among
all classes with no partiality or preference, all being equal and none higher or lower
or of more or less importance. Therefore, it shall be the duty of each member to dis-
Pated  at Springfleld, this .................... day  of  ......... ............. . 190
20 A riS a               xo Point Legal Italic No. 5  u          $5 10
LY COYSIDER.ATION/ of the sum of Four Thousand One Hun-
dred and Fifty Dollars to me paid I have this day conveyed to John
Henry Goodwill all my right, part and title in the Dallas Blatter
together with all the business and plant connected therewith, compris-
ing office furniture and fixtures, type and machinery; as follows:
one No. 6 Standard cylinder press, three job presses, in sizes 8x12,
10x15 and 12x18, one power paper cutter, one wire stitcher, one
four-horse gasoline engine, one mailing machine, one proof press, one
Wlitness  this ...........  day  of  .......... ..................... 190
iS A 8o a               x2 Point Legal Italic No. 5  U         $4 45
TEIS IYDEYTURE, made at Snowville, in the County
of Frost,, State of Zero, this 25th day            of Freezeover, in
the year of Glacial Frigidity, between Jack Frost of the
first part and Shining Sol of the second part, witnesseth,
that said Jack Frost of          the first part relinquishes all
claim to one-half of the year and agrees and hereby conveys
to Shining Sol of the second part the full and complete con-

d.......................... 1 9 0

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