However, a joint move by Mr. Miller,5 Mr. McGhee,6 and perhaps Mr.
iRusk 7 at the upper levels of the Department should certainly prove
effective. I am mindful of the fact that up to the present (or up to
the last few days in the case of Mr. Rusk) the geographical Assistant
Secretaries have not been given the occasion to develop and bring to
bear their own views on how the Point Four program should be'setup
and run. The Regional Bureaus in the past few months have had more
ýoccasion to deal with details than with the overall plan.8
                                                  Louis J. HALLE, JR.
  5 Edward G. Miller, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American
Affairs.     .
  6 George ,C.MeGhee, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South
Asian and African Affairs.
  Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs.
  'In a memorandum of June 30, 1950, to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Inter-American Affairs (Barber) and several of the "area" officers
of ARA
<Messrs. Atwood, Clark, Mann, and Shillock), the Director of the Office
Regional American Affairs (White) commented in part:
  "In my judgment, a number of suggestions made in the memorandum, par-
ticularly those relating to the consolidation of all operating functions
of Point
Four in Latin America under the IIAA, are excellent ones and conform to the
'chosen instrument' approach which Mr. Miller and I had previously discussed
with Mr. Iverson. It seems to me, however, that there are other considerations
this memorandum which require close consideration:
  Firstly, it appears to mark a complete abandonment of our earlier concept
that the Embassies would have the primary role in programming technical
.assistance and in the responsibility for economic development surveys.
  Secondly, it is not clear from the memorandum that ARA would have any
definite responsibility at the Washington end in -these same matters.
  Finally, I am somewhat disturbed about the discussions -on Pages 9 and
10 of
the memorandum concerning the relationship of the Chief of Field Party to
Ambassador.. Itdoes not seem to me the arrangement outlined conforms to,
recommendationof the Rio Conference of Ambassadors which said.:
  'Operatio0ns f all U.S. Government agencies affecting the economy of a
Latin American' country should be directed towards the executlon of a single
,comprehensive program for the development of which the U.S. diplomatic mis-
sion in the field should bear the, primary responsibility.'" (820.00-TA/6--3050)
  Kenneth R. Iverson was the newly appointed President of the Inter-American
Institute (the IIAA).

Memnorandum     by Mr. William   Tapley Bennett, Jr., of the Office of
   Middle American Affairs to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of
   State for Inter-American Affairs (Barber)

-CONFIDENTIAL                           [WVAsrINGTON,] June 12, 1950.
  Mr. Miller, Ambassador Waynick, Mr. Mann and I lunched to-
gether on June 7. Ambassador Waynick took occasion to point out

  Capus M. Waynick was Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State,
in charge of TCD (from May 17). He was later Acting Adminlistrator of the
Technical Cooperation Administration (TCA).