(c) Press the view ithat, although the system for intrnational con-
 trol of atomic energy is necessarily different from the system for the
 regulation and reduction of conventional armaments and their formu-
 lation and elaboration must be kept separate, the two must be coordi-
 nated in their implementation once agreement has been reached on the
 respective systems.
   The underlying causes for the impasse in atomic energy negotia-
 tions first reported on May 17, 1948 by the United Nations Atomic
 Energy Commission 1 have become increasingly obvious. The negotia-
 tions have been thwarted by an "impasse in depth": the persistent
 refusal of ,he Soviet Union either to accept the only effective plan for
 control and prohibition so.far devised or to ,put forward any effective
 proposals of their own stems from the fundament of Soviet refusal
 to become a cooperative member of the world community. No effective
 prohibition is possible without an effective system of control. This is
 rejected by the Soviet Union because any such system 'would open up
 the Soviet Union, and therefore cannot be tolerated by the Kremlin.
 So long as the Kremlin maintains its present methods, policies and (aims
 there is no hope of securing dependable agreement on effective inter-
 national control.
   The forum of the Six Permanent Members of the United Nations
 Atomic Energy Commission, established by the General Assembly in
 1948, is the appropriate 0body in wch to seek a basis for agreement.
 To it should be referred any substantive proposals that may be made
 in the General Assembly 'debate. Composed of those Members of the
 United Nations whose agreement is essential if any system of control
 and, ever to 'be established, it is the proper body for
 exploiting or exposing to the fullest any change in Soviet attitude or
 position. The United States is prepared to resume consultations in
 this forum wheneverthe Sovie t Union .chooses to return to it
   It is obvious that 'a system of control aimed at prohibition of, aomic
weapons should be put. into, effect in phase with the implementation
of a,; system 'for regulation and reduction of conventional armaments.
As appropriate in the debate, the United States should re-emphasize
the view set iforthby'the United States Delegation on November 19,
1949 in the.debate on conventional ,armaments as follows:
  "-At notime ,has 'any one denied that the two fields [atomic 'weapons
and- conventional armaments] 2 are-closely interrelated-th4at they are
two aspects of thee one problem of disarmament. The Atomic Energy
  Reference is to, the Third Report of the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC, 3rd yr., Special Suppl., or Department of State Publication 3179 (-July
r948) ). ap ea...                                     ...ou ce te t
  ' Brackets appear in the source text.

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