military assistance. The breakdown of funds among areas of the world
corresponded with the President’s request of August 1. President
Truman signed the measure into law on September 27 (PL 81-848 ; 64
Stat.1044). | | | oe : 7


Policy Planning Staff Files

Memorandum by the Secretary of the Army (Pace) the Secretary of
the Navy (Matthews), and the Secretary of the Air Force (Lin-
letter) to the Secretary of Defense (Johnson)

TOP SECRET _.  [Wasurneton,] August 1, 1950.

Under date of July 31, 1950, you requested the views and recom-
mendations of The Joint Secretaries on NSC 73/1 as a matter of
priority.? The Joint Secretaries already had under preparation a
memorandum covering a subject somewhat similar to NSC 73/1 which,
with slight modifications, we submit herewith as responsive to your
request as stated above. oe ae

1. The Joint Secretaries believe that the Korean incident has created
a situation under which there must be an urgent and frank re-appraisal
of the global position of the United States military potential. The
geopolitical security of the United States requires diplomatic,
psychological and military coordination of the highest order. There
is no margin left. No additional commitments of United States sup-
port should be undertaken in the diplomatic field, nor should execu-
tive members of the United States Government make any statements
or take any action from which may be implied a moral commitment
on the part of the United States until such a re-appraisal is complete.
Then, in light of such re-appraisal, re-examination of existing com-
mitments and review of all possible moral commitments must be ac-
complished. Based on this re-examination and review, we must make
clear through diplomatic and other channels the extent to which
United States support may be expected: Having made such declara-
tions, there should be no deviation therefrom until such time as world
conditions moderate or the military potential of the United States is
substantially increased. |

2. In this connection it should be emphasized that the Korean in-
cident has clearly revealed the new pattern of Soviet aggression and
demonstrates that the Soviets have moved openly into the use of force
through puppets in their attack on the non-Communist world. It is to

* Transmitted to Jessup and Nitze on a personal basis by Edward T. Dickinson,
Assistant to the Joint Secretaries, on August 8 po

- * Secretary Johnson’s request has not.been found in the files of the Department
of State. NSO 73/1, July 29, is not. printed. For NSC 73, July 1, see p. 381; for
NSC 73/4, August 25, see p. 375.