Congress, U.S.-Continued
  Mutual Defense Assistance Program,
      34, 128, 148, 150-152, 211, 213,
      294, 321-322, 346, 352-353, 393-
      395, 600, 608, 611, 621, 623, 630,
      644-647, 652, 671, 675
  National emergency, proclamation of,
  National Science Foundation bill, 206
  *National security policy, 160, 187, 197,
      214, 285, 292, 296-298, 311, 397-
      398, 424, 479
  Point Four program, 846-851, 855-
    . 856, 858, 860, 864
  Resources of the sea, U.S. policy re-
      garding, 890-892
  Senate, 322-323, 689, 787, 847, 850,
      892, 898
    Committee on Appropriations, 352,
        393n, 421, 847, 850-851
    Committee on Armed Services, 322,
     Committee on. Foreign Relations,
        64n, 66, 127n, 297,322, 349, 397-
        398, 420, 682w,., 689, 849-850, 915
  Supplementa-l Appropriationa Act of
      1951, 420-421, 565; Second Sup-
      plemental Appropriations Act of
      1951, 591
  Trade Agreements Act, renewal of,
       779-780, 782-784, 787
  U.S. military forces, 277
  Yugoslavia, U.S. aid for, 407, 443
Connally, Tom, 63, 915
Cooper, John Sherman, 88, 121-123
Correa, Jose, 108, 110
Corry, Andrew Vincent, 567
C.orse, Carl D., 798-802, 805n
Csta Rica, 6.77, 883.,890
Coulson, J. E., 9108-110, 118-119
Council of Economic Advisers, 246, 306-
    311, 404n, 432n, 464
Council of Foreign Ministers, 156
Crittenberger, Lt. Gen. Willis D., 679n
Cuba: Double taxation convention with
    the United States, proposed, 688,
    690; GATT tariff negotiations at
    Torquay, 770, 773, 778, 790, 798; in-
    land waters and marginal sea, pol-
 -  icy concerning, 875 883, 890; Joint
    U.S. Military Survey Team, 670-
    1671; Korean war, attitude toward,
    677; Western Hemisphere defense
    role, 624n
Curacao, 634
Czechoslovakia, 123, 179, 240, 355, 381-
    382, 586, 701, 712, 715, 748n
Daniels, Cuthbert, 11-12, 24, 27n
Dautry, Raoul, 497, 544
Davies,- John Paton, 142-143, 478n
Davis, Owen, 90M
Dean, Gordon E., 82, 94-100, 109, 114,
    548, 570, 572-574, 576, 593

Dearborn, Hamilton Q., 297, 306-312,
Defenre,iU"nS. Department ofU
  Amefrican Republics, U.S. military as-
      sistance for, 652n, 653, 668, 671-
      672, 675
  Antarctic, proposed military training
      operatio ns in the, 910-911
  Atomic energy: Foreign policy aspects
      of, 499-500, 546-550, 558, 575, 578,
      580, 591; international control of,
      13-15, 17, 68-69, 111, 114
  Atomic weapons, 573
  SBudget, 316
  Inter-American   military collabora-
      tion, 601-602, 622-623, 624n, 626,
      629, 636, 638-642, 671-672, 679-
  Interdepartmental   Committee    on
      Trade Agreements, member of,
      695n, 798, 801
  Intelligence services, 184
  Japan, U.S. economic assistance for,
  Korean war, 331, 346, 420, 642n, 646-
      648, 650-651, 656p 664-666, 672-
      673,ý 676n, 679
  .Mutual Defense Assistance Program,
      148, 211-212, 408, 412, 425, 433,
      4351 442
  National security policy, 139,i205,295-
      296, 318, 389, 396-397, 416, 419,
      4,25,. 427-428, 432, 460, 465, 474,
      484-486, 490-492, 605
  ISoutheast Asia, U.1S. economic and
      technical assistance for, 863
  Soviet political and military objec-
      tives, 292, 34-3
  Thermon.uclear weapons, U.,S. devel-
      opment of, 504, 510, 514, 517, 524-
      525, 539L-540, 542
  U.S. military bases in foreign terri-
      tory, 398-399
  U.S. State Department, liaison with
      the, 341-342
Defense Production Act of 1950, 451, 664
DeGru-ben,, Baron IIerv, 531n, 556
DeHemptinne,. Prof. i iarc, 528n, 595
DeKauffmann, Henrik, 76-77
De la Tournelle, Baron Guy, 17, 19-21,
Denmark: Double taxation convention
    with- the United 'States, proposed,
    689.; East-West, trade policies, 586 ;
    GATT, accession to, 692; GATT
    tariff negotiations at Torquay, 799;
    inland waters and marginal sea,
    policy  concerning  875-876, 890;
    security of, 144,; trade restrictions,
    698, 706; 711-712, 748n; trade with
    the United Kingdom, 743; treaty of
    friendship, commerce, and naviga-
    tion with the United States, nego-
    tiations concerning, 681, 685