really solid and dependable value: 4Ard that is to see that th6 in itiAl
         line ofitspoliy nre s clse ~ pssile to the principles diotit-ed-
its- tradition°s and its naitre, and that where it is necesary t depart
from these lines, people are. aware that this is a departure and under-
stand why it is necessary. For this reason, there is value in a deah and
straight beginning, even though the   ad. ahead may be tortuous
a-id periiips inipmassab Ki

-t3.2 /'1-2550 :Telegram
The United States Representatie a the UNited Ntions (Austin) to
                       the Secretary of State

-CONFIDENTIAL             NEW YORK, January 25, 19501,42 p. m.
   74. 'On January 17, SC transmitted to CCA-   GA   resolution of
-5 December 1949, calling for continuance of CCA study of regulation
:and reducti6n ofp conventional armaments and armed forces 1in accord-
-ance with its plan-of work.
   In anticipation of resumption of CCA discussionsinstructions are
 requested by USUN concerning the position to be: taken on the next
 item of CA plan of work .t be considered, viz, item iII, deaiing with
 isafeguards; for a system of disarmament. Reference is ma-die to state-
 ment submitted on item III by deputy US representative in CCA in
 -September 1947.1 Reference is also made to position paper RAC D-
 18/2e, approved in December 1947, and to draft position paper RAC
 D-18/7,3 pending since I948, each dealing with the safeguards item.
 Instructions are desired concerning present status of these papers and
 -extent to which policy reflected therein continues to goven.
   It is further recommended that - review bemaide0of policy prevaMl-
 'ing since 1947 re resohition of questions concerning atomic energy,
 Article 43 forces, and peace treaties with Germany and Jahpan, as con-
 ditfions preedent to regulation olt oonventibnai armaments.4
                             - _ ." ... )          ýM- t-- .
   Assimilation of the e~tablishmnt of atomic energy control to the
 Airticl3 43 forces and peadce treaties questionsi unerstood a sin fac

   'oT 'text othe V.S. statebnemht, September 17, 1047, see Foreign Relations,
 1947, vol. i, p. 660.
   2Document RAG D-18/2e, December 30, 1947, not printed, announced the
 appro-Val by Acting Sisretiryr o8f State Lov0tt -and See, retary 6f Defense
 of position paper RAO D-18/2d, "United States Position on Practical
and Effec-
 -tive Safeguards Essential to the General Regulation and Reduction of Arma-
 menfts and Artied Forces," .ove,  25 12, 1047, prepared by the Executiv
 mittee on Rela~tion f Amamen~ts. For the text of RAC D-18/2d, s eeoreltn

    NMot pninted.
    'This po itoMMA "t'nuncitated bY Secretairy of 'State leo-rge CJ01Ma14
sh- 1lini
  a:n addres at the I82nd lglofry tttitg of the tlenhtai Assenbly, September
  1947; for tex§t, see Uiitd iatYio 11, Oftcia' t hecor'  th ChA - 
T ,ral ASse by,
  -pp.lh 19-27.fo~n, I'ZeatnMtiafY8 (hereafterd a 0  If) Genary)  ,