PART II
 U.S. Actions To Counter Further Soviet Moves in the hmmediat6
   31. The Korean war is only an additional and more acute mani-
 festation 'Of the chronic world situation resulting from the Kremlin
 design for world domination through the international communist
 conspiracy. 'This situation requires many measures designed to enable
 the free world to regain the initiative, to deter further aggression,
 and to increase ability to defeat aggression if it occurs. Some of these
 measures are now being undertaken. Others are under study and will
 be the Subject of subsequent recommendations, including those which
 will follow from NSC 68. These measures should be taken regardless
_of future Soviet action so long as the USSR retains its present capa-
biitiies and intention to threaten the security of the United States.
   32.-The United States should as rapidly as possible increase the
 build-up of its military and supporting strength in o-rder .o reach at.
 the earliest possible time and maintain for as long as necessary a,
 level of constant military readiness adequate to support-U.S. toreign:
 policy, to deter Soviet aggression, and to form the basis f0r1fighting
 a global war should war prove unavoidable. The pro~granm..or the
 increased military stature and preparedness of the U.S.,should pro-
 ..ceed without regard to possible temporary relaxation of international
 tension' andwithout regard 'to isolated instances of aggression unless.
 the latter provide evidence of the imminence of War, which would
 call for full preparation at full speed.'
   33. The United iStates should urgently press forward to obtain,.
 through appropriate channels, knowledge or understandings as-to the
 willingness of United Nations members to hold Russia responsible at
 a proper- time within the structure of the United Nations, for satellite
   34. Pending-the fundamental policy decisions, now under study, o'n
 which U.S. action to meet further iSoviet moves should be based, the
-united States should take the action set forth in the following paora-;
graphs in response to such further Soviet or Soviet-inspired moves,
as may occur in the next two or three months.
USSR or Soviet-Inspired Aggression
   35. In the event of an overt attack by organized USSR military
 forces against the territory or armed forces of the United States, the
 immediate action of the United States should be to react to the attack