World Situation, 1949-1950: Hearings field in Executive Session Be-
fore the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (81st
Cong., 1st and 2nd sessions), pages 339-366.

                           Editorial Note
  During the period September 12-:September 18, 1950, the Foreign
Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France
engaged in conversations in New York, discussing a wide range of
problems of mutual concern. Subjects of a global nature and of direct
relevance to the national security of the United States were-among
those receiving consideration. For documentation on the New York
Foreign Ministers' meetings and related discussions, see volume III,
pages 1108 ff.

Policy Record Guide Statement Prepared in the Department of State,

TOP SECRET                       [WASHINGTON, September 22, 1950.]
                          Mi=UTR-Y BASES
  Policy: To acquire military rights in foreign territories that are
urgently required by the JCS and other rights which are required or
considered desirable. (PPS/56, 8-4-492)
  Action Taken:
  1. We have engaged in detailed and generally successful nego-
tiations with North Atlantic Treaty countries concerning the military
facilities we desire in their territory under the Treaty, and the JCS
have suggested the adoption of a standard mapping and charting
agreement with friendly countries in order to facilitate these. nego-
tiations. The Secretary of Defense has also concurred in our view
that in many cases the acquisition of facilities and privileges in NAT
countries will depend on the completion of NATO plans, and has
requested the JCS to take the necessary action to insure that NAT
regional defense plans adequately reflect US requirements for military
rights. (Memorandum to JCS from Secretary of Defense, 5-12-50,)

  'This document was part of the September 1950 version of the Policy Record
Guide prepared and updated periodically by the Executive Secretariat of the
Department of State. The Policy Record Guide was intended as a brief memory
aid and status report for the top officers of the Department and their assistants.
  2 PPS 56, "Progress Report on the Department's Study of 'Views of
the Joint
Chiefs of Staff on Military Rights In Foreign Territories,"' a report
by the
Policy Planning Staff, August 4, 1949. For text, see Foreign Relations, 1949,
vol. I,
p. 368.
  ' Not printed; for documentation on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
see vol. in, pp. 1 if.