Treaties, . !conventions, agreements,
  Dhahran airbase agreement between
      Saudi Arabia and the United.
      States, 399
  Double taxation conventions of the
      United States with: Argentina,
      688, 689n; Belgium, 689; Greece,
      689; Ireland; 689; New Zealand,
      689; Norway, 689; Union      of
      South Africa, 689
  General agreement on tariffs and
      trade, 1947, 259, 583n, 692, 698-
      703, 707n, 708-710, 712-716, 718-
      719, 722-728, 730, 732-739, 745-
      754, 757-758, 760, 769, 771, 778-
      779, 781-786, 788-789, 792, 797-
      799, 806
  Greenland agreement between Den-
      mark and the Umnted States re-
      garding U.S. bases, 1941, 399
  Inter-American treaty of reciprocal
      assistance (Rio pact), 1947, 55,
      212n, 314, 601-61-, 621-627, 630,
      632, 635, 652, 653n, 655, 675, 680
  International Monetary Fund, articles
      of agreement of the, 700n, 709,
  International Trade   Organization,
      charter of the, 133, 780n, 781-784,
      786, 788, 790n, 792
  International  whaling  convention,
      1946, 912, 918
  Iranidan-Soviet treaty of 1921, 364
  Leased bases agreement, 1941, 399
  Lima declaration, 1938, 610
  Memorandum of agreement between
      Belgium.,: the United Kingdom,
      and the United States regarding
      contirol of uralium, 1944, 493n,
      494-495, 496n, 529-536, 543, 551,
      554, 589, 594
  Memorandum of agreement between
      Brazil and the United States with
      respect to the control of mona-
      zite sands and other carriers of
      thorium and thorium compounds,
      1945, 545, 553
  Memorandum of agreement between
      the Netherlands, United King-
      dom, and the United States re-
      garding monazite, 1945, 584
  MoJus vivendi for tripartite coop-
      eration in the development of
      aitomic energy, 1948, 501, 547
  Netherlands-Indonesian agreement on
      transition measures, 1949, 584n
  North Atlantic treaty, 1949, W, 36,
      55, 144, 150, 155, 164, 179, 182,
      187, 208, 228, 314, 335, 345, 360,
      367, 380, 386, 398-399, 402, 461,
      484-485, 494, 532, 603, 605-606,
      610n, 835
  Northwest Atlantic fisheries conven-
      tion, 895


Treaties,  conventions,.... agreements,
  Organization  of American :States,
      charter of the, 655
  Status quo on the Baltic, agreement
      of 1908 concerning, 918
  Trade agreement between Belgium-
      Luxembourg and the Federal Re-
      public of Germany, 1949, 708
  Trade agreement between Belgium-
      Luxembourg ,and     Switzerland,
      1949, 708
  Trade agreement between the Fed-
      eral Republic of Germany and
      Sweden, 1949, 708
  Trade agreements of the      United
      States, 693-694: Argentina, 1941;
      Australia, 1947; Belgium, 1935,
      1947; Brazil, 1935, 1947; Burma,
      1947; Canada, 1935, 1938, 1939,
      1940, 1947; Chile, 1.947; China,
      1947; Colombia, 1935; Costa Rica,
      1936; Cuba, 1934, 1939, 1941,
      1947; -Czechoslovakia, 1938, 1947;
      Ecuador, 1938; El Salvador,
      19,37; Finland, 1936; France,
      1A36, 1947; Guatemala,: 1936;
      Haiti, 1935, 1949; Honduras,
      1935;* Iceland,   19,43; India,
      1947; Iran, 1943; ebanon, 197
      Luxembourg, 1935, 1947; Mexico,
      1942; Netherlands, 1,935, 1947;
      New Zealand, 1947; Nicaragua,
      1936; Norway, 1947; Pakistan,
      1947; Paraguay, 1946; Peru,
      1942; Southern Rhodesia, 1947;
      Sri Lanka, 1947; Sweden, 1935;
      Switzerland, 1936; Syria, 1947;
      Turkey, 19.39; Union of South
      Africa, 1947; United Kingdom,
      1938, 1947; Uruguay, 1942; Vene-
      zuela, 193-9
  Treaty between the United Kingdom
      and the United States, 1818, 889
  Treaty of friendship, commerce, and
      navigation. between Ireland and
      the United States, Jan. 21, 1950,
      681, 682n, 684, 686
  Treaty of friendship, commerce, and
      navigation between Uruguay and
      the United States, 1949, 134, 681,
      682n, 683, 685-686
  U.N. Charter, 1945, 1, 64-65, 102, 157,
      273, 275, 289, 291, 355, 360, 452,
      456, 526, 610, 612, 650, 677
  U.N. declaration, 1941, 360
  U.N. headquarters    agreement be-
      tween the United States and the
      United Nations, 898n, 904
Treaties of friendship, commerce, and
    navigation,  U.S.   program   for
    modernization of, 681-687, 788
Trieste, 354, 437, 441, 901
Trinidad, 634