USUN Files1
Memorandum     by the Deputy United States Representative at the
   United  Nations   (Gross) to the    Under Secretary    of State

                                    [NEw YoRK,] February 13, 1950.
 Subject: Atomic Energy-Public Relations Aspects of International
   On the morning of Friday, February 10, 1 had a long discussion with
 a group of newspaper editors in Chicago, and on the afternoon of the
 same day I addressed a luncheon meeting of the Chicago Council on
 Foreign Relations.3 'The luncheon was attended by a large number of
 people of various interests ,from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio
 and Wisconsin. They included journalists, representatives of non-
 governmental organizations, university professors, and business land
 civic leaders. One of the main topics which they desired to hear dis-
 cussed as well as to discuss themselves was the question of international
 control of atomic energy.
   I thought that it might be of interest to you to match the impressions
 I received from this area of the country against the reports 'which you
 are undoubtedly obtaining concerning reactions on the same subject
 from other areas. There appeared to be two major lines of interest and
   First, a surprisingly large number of ,individuals of various back-
 grounds and lines of occupation inquired whet-her it was the Adminis-
 tration's policy to discourage, rather than encourage, public discussion
 of the problems which have aroused such public interest since the
 President's announcement concerning the hydrogen bomb. The impres-
 sion appears to have become widespread that (whether for reasons of
 military security or other reasons) the Administration is anxious to
 avoid a full public debate on the implications of the problem. It ap-
 pears to me that some definite indication might well be made by the
 Administration-or carefully selected spokesman for it-to the effect
 that we encourage public debate on this momentous issue. This might,
 for example, be done by some such device as a radio program of the
 scope and reach of "America's Town Meeting of the Air'.
 The second major question which I repeatedly encountered on the
 subject of international control of atomic energy was one which I think
 will require careful explanation. This question was (broadly stated)
Why need we insist upon international ownership and management
of "dangerous materials and facilities", if it were shown posslble

   Files of the United States Mission at the United Nations.
   2Transmitted to Webb through Hickersonand Arneson.
   For the text of the address, see Department of State Bunletin, March 6,
pp. 372-377.
     496-362--77 5
