Memorandum     by the Director of the Mutual Defense Assistance
   Program (Ohly) to the Director of the Office of Regional American
   Affairs (Dreier)

SECRET                              [WASHINGTON,] August 8, 1950.
Subject: Proposed Letter to General Burns 1 With Respect to Raising
     and Equipping a Latin American Force for Eventual Participa-
     tion in the Korean Conflict
   1. Although I have several serious reservations with respect to the
attached proposed letter to General Burns and the enclosure thereto,2
I am concurring therein for S/MDA because of my understanding
,that you wish to get this matter urgently to Defense for further
consideration. The nature of my comments and reservations are set
forth in the two succeeding paragraphs, and I would appreciate their
being brought to the attention of Mr. Matthews when the proposed
letter is submitted for his signature.3
  2. I think it is imperative that before any commitments are made,
there should be consultation with the appropriate Congressional
leaders. Such consultation should be directed toward determining
whether this rather calculated and long-range program should (a) be
undertaken at all; and (b) if undertaken, should be so undertaken
with or without legislation. The attitude of many Congressmen to-
ward grant aid to Latin American countries has been such that any
-ignificant step in this direction would be ill advised unless the cir-
cumstances thereof were made known and fully discussed with key
Congressional leaders. In the event that legislation should be recom-
mended, this office would like to give consideration ;as to whether or
not it should be in the form of an amendment to the UN Participa-
tion Act 4 or the Mutual Defense Assistance Act. 1Our present think-
ing, and we understand the thinking of Defense, is to the effect that
an amendment to the UN      Participation Act would probably be
  3. My gravest concern about this proposal is the fact that how-
ever desirable from a political standpoint, it will result in the diver-
sion of substantial quantities of equipment urgently:'required fora
large number of other programs which would appear to have a very
much higher priority. Unless the long-range political advantages of

  2 Supra.
  Mr. Dreier 'submitted Mr. Ohly's memorandum to Deputy Under Secretary
Matthews with a brief covering memorandum of August 8, 1950. (796B.00/8-850)
  'Of 1945; see 59 Stat. 619.