the- initial British,.view ,that .action on this matter by :th  present GA
would-be unwise.
   Mr. Holmes (Can,ada) indicated some concern-that by merely es-
 tablishing a-Commission, ,to-report to- the Sixth GA,_ we would open'
 ourselves to the charge of postponing for a-whole year any possibility.
 of progress or .continuance-of the w.ork of the two.Commissions. Al-
 though- it was generally recognized that any real hope of iprogress :in
 these bodies now was highly unrealistic, it was-agTeed that a prov.ision-
 should be inserted in the resolution that this study.bythe new Corn..

 mittee should be without prejudice to -the continuance of the.work of
 the AEC and the CCA under their, present terms-of reference.
   Mr. Coulson thought it important to -avoid any .implication in the.
 resolu-tion that-wet were abandoning, or scrapping.any of the sub-
 stantive plans for atomic energy control or to provide the.USSR with
 any ground too claim that previous -work should be.scrapped. :. To-meet
 this point-more fully, it was agreed to include-,apreambulatory para-
 graph which would recall specifically the AEC, plan: ass- approved by.
 the GA as. well aS.the planning work of the CCA, and-it would then
 express :,the desire- of -the, GA .that this work be carried .forward.
   The Canadian and UK representatives likewise agreed with the idea--
 that, although Australi'a would act as ,the prime mover of the resolu-
 tion, all AEC members (ex ept the.USSR and China) should be in-
 vited to co-sponsor.
                                                    WARD P ALLEN

 10 Files: Ui/A/M(Chr)/186
 Minutes of the Fifty-first Meeting of the United States Delegation to
   the General Assembly, New York, December 12, L950,9:15 a. n.
   [Here follow a list of those present (44) and a review ýby David
H. Popper, Delegation Adviser, of work remaining before the General
1. Intern-ational control of atomic energy (Delga 391).1

  Delga 391 from New York, December 8, not printed, contained the text of
the draft resolution to be introduced by Australia, the United States, and
The draft transmitted in Delga 391 was virtually identical with that adopted
the General Assembly (p. 124), with the exception of: the last paragraph
read: "[The General Assembly] Decides to establish a committee of Australia,
Brazil, UK, China, USSR, France, US, Canada, Netherlands, Turkey, Ecuador,
India, Yugoslavia to consider and report to the next regular session of the
on ways and means whereby the work of the AEC and CCA may be coordinated,
and upon the advisability of their functions being.merged and placed under
new and consolidated disarmament commission." (320/12-8550)
