Truman, Harry S.-
  Address to U.N. General Assembly,
      Oct. 24, 1950, 102-111, 117-118,
  American Republics, U.S. military as-
      sistance for, 671
  Atomic bomb, Soviet possession of,
      495. 597
  Atomic bombs, press conference state-
      ment regarding possible utiliza-
      tion in Korean war of, 115-116,
      122, 186, 590
  Atomic    energy:   Foreign   policy
      aspects of U.S. development of,
      494n, 500, 550, 560, 573, 575n, 576;
      proposed  international control
      of, 36, 49, 55, 61, 76, 89, 93-94,
      102-111, 117-118, 120-121, 565
  Atomic Energy Commission: Appoint-
      ment of Chairman of, 572n; in-
      creased appropriations for, 565
  Austria, U.S. policy toward, 389n
  Balance-of-payments problems, 285,
      832, 834, 836-838, 841-843
  Budget for 1951, 418
  Conversation  with   British  Prime
      Minister Attlee, Dec. 4-8, 1950,
      423, 430, 462, 591
  Economic report, Jan. 1950, 258
  Foreign aid program,- 407-408,411-412
  GATT, matters pertaining to, 797-800,
  Inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1949, 601,
      846-847, 869
  Inter-American  military  collabora-
      tion, 601, 603, 608n, 613-616, 625,
      628-629, 639
  Inter-American Military Cooperation
      Act, proposed, 613, 615-616
  Internal Security Act of 1950, veto
      of, 898-899
  Korean war, 325, 326n, 330n, 338-341,
      345-346, 419-421, 462-463, 482,
      591, 646, 650-651, 666
  Mutual Defense Assistance Program,.
      128. 148. 212, 321-323, 346, 352-
      353, 621, 652
  National Security Council, operations
      and organization of, 348-349
  National security .policy, 141-142,
      168n, 195, 197, 202, 204, 206, 210-.
      211, 213-218, 220-221, 225-226,
      234-236, 287, 292-294, 298, 313,
      319-320, 324, 346-347, 351-352,
      355, 357, 360-361, 374-375, 400,
      403, 418n, 419, 424, 426, 428, 431,
      432n, 462, 466-468, 474, 481, 483-
      484, 485n, 489-490, 517n, 570, 576r
  Point Four program, 846-847, 849-.
      850, 856, 863, 869
  Proclamation 1 of National Emergency,
      Dec. 16, 1950, 424-425, 462n, 477-*
  Proclamation   on  coastal fisheries,
      Sept. 28, 1945, 893-895

Truman, Harry S.--Continued
  Soviet Union, policy toward, 189
  Stalin: Health   of, 482; proposed
      meeting with, 43
  Supplemental Appropriations Act of
      1951, 420-421, 565; Second Sup-
      plemental Appropriations Act of
      1951, 591
  Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 439-440
  Thermonuclear weapons, U.S. devel-
      opment of, 49n, 51-53, 141-142,
      503, 511-513, 517, 524-525, 527,
  Trade Agreements Act, renewal of,
      782, 786-787
  U.S. military bases in foreign ter-
      ritory, 399
  Yugoslavia, U.S. policy toward, 387n
Truman Doctrine, 2289,394
Tsiang, Tingfu F., 48
Tufts, Robert, 190, 196, 200,Y203
Tunisia, 743
Turkey: Atomic energy, proposed in-
    ternational control of, 122; British
    policy, 387; French policy, 387;
    'GATT, proposed accession to, 799;
    inland waters- and marginal sea,
    policy concerning, 882; Pakistan
    policy, 387; Soviet policy, 51, 157,
    333, 337, 354, 364, 380-381, 384,
    387, 397;-U.S. economic and mill-
 ....tary assistance, 212, 259, 321-322,
    352, 387, 394, 408. 437-438, 441, 470,
    621, 814; U.S. policy, 136, 179, 336,
Tydings, Millard E., 64n

Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic,
Under Secretary's Advisory Committee,
Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, 495,
    534-535, 594-596
Union of South Africa (see -also Union
    of South, African headings under
    Atomic energy, foreign policy as-
    pects, etc. and under General agree-
    ment on tariffs :and trade), 106,
    143-144, 189, 697, 713n, 733, 735-
    736, 748n
United Kingdom (see also United King-
    dom and British subheadings under
    individual countries and subjects):
    African dependent territories, U.S.
    technical assistance for, 866-867;
    defense plans, 465; dollar gap prob-
    lem, 165; double taxation conven-
    tion with the United States, pro-
    posed, 189; economic situation in,
    135, 165, 260; Fuchs case, 173, 524,
    527-528, 537, 538n, 541, 544, 557-
    558, 560; inland waters and mar-
    ginal sea, policy concerning, 875-
    879; rearmament effort, 769; Soviet
    attack, possibility of, 337, 377, 380;