-production in Western Europe through provision under the Act of
dollars for the purchase of machine toolS, 'raw materials components,
-su7b-assemblies and technical srvices.
  The status of the militaryvaid programs for Greece and Turkey and
  for Korea is reported in the first Progress Reports on- NSC 42/1 4 and
  NSC 8/2.5
  The program for Iran and the bilateral agreement with that coun-
  -try are the subject of current discussions with Iranian officials. The
  Philippine- program is in general satisfactory to the Philippine Gov-
  ,ernment and will be initiated at-an early date inasmuch as the bilateral
  agreement was concluded on March 11, 1950.
  With respect to the program for the "general area of China,",
  Depaftments of State and Defense have developed various proposals
  for assisting the countries in this area. Presidential approval of mili-
  tary assistance programs in the general area of China has been ob-
tainedr for a $5 million dollar program for Indonesia, a4$15 million
program for Indo-China and a$10 millionprogram for Thailand. A
program for Burma comprising river patrol craft, approved in prin-
'ciple by the Secretary- of. State, has been presented to Defense for
clearance. Additional non-military programs for Burma approximat-
ing$2 million are in process of being cleared by the interested govern-
mental agencies. Definitive programs for-these countries, including
precise lists of-equipment and supplies, are in the proces of develop-
ment, Aismall United ,States mission is in Southeast Asia to determine
'the types of projects most immediately needed and feasible under this
'program in the fields, of technical-and economic, assistance.
   Several requests from. Latin American countries for military as-
'sistance on a reimbursable basis under Section 408(e) of the.Act are
under consideration. The general! problem of United ,States military
,cooperation with Latin-American countries is under-study by the
National Security Council Staff, which is preparing a paper on the
,subject (NSC 56) ..  ..       ...
  An arrangement has been concluded enabling Canada to obtain cer-
tain military procurement assistance under Section 408 (e) of the Act.
  4 Fpor text of NSC 42/1, March 22, 1949, "U.S. Objectives with Respect
to Greece
-and Turkey to Counter Soviet Threats to U.S. Security," see Foreign
1949, yvol. vi, p. 269; the progress report on NSC 42/1 of March 6, 1950
is sched-
uled for publication in volume v.
  5For text- of NSC 8/2, March 22, 1949, "The Position of the U.S. with
to Korea," see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. vii, Part 2, p. 969; the
progress re-
ports are not printed.
  For text of NSC 56, August 31, 1949, a National Security Council staff
titled "U.S. Policy Concerning-Military Collaboration Under the Inter-American
Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance," see p. 601. For NSC 56/2, May 18,-1950,
a report
to the President on the same subject, see, p. 628.