Annex 1

1. General. From the discussion of technical considerations by the
Atomic Energy Commission, it appears that there is a reasonable
chance that a thermonuclear reaction of light elements can be
achieved by the United States -within the next few years after a
special effort in this direction is initiated. Consideration of known
Soviet developments in the field of atomic energy reveals a degree of
Soviet capability also to develop a thermonuclear weapon. The follow-
ing discussion explores the implications of the military applications
of thermonuclear weapons in order to present pertinent facts which
may be of assistance in arriving at a decision as to whether or not
a special effort will be initiated at this time to achieve a thermonuclear
weapon or to determine conclusively its lack of feasibility.

2. The Potential M itary Applications of the Super.

a. HK ffects. :

From the point of view of military usefulness, the only effects which
need be given consideration at this time are the blast and thermal
radiation. In contrast to fission bombs, the nuclear radiation will be
relatively unimportant and for the present need only be considered
from a defensive point of view or under Special conditions of

Preliminary studies based on a comparative analysis of effects of a

40,000 K'T Super toa 40 KT fission bomb indicate that :

(1) The Super will produce a blast damage area greater than
50 times that produced by a fission bomb.

(2) Under average atmospheric conditions, the Super will pro-
duce thermal effects over an area 60-17 0 times that from a fission


b. Damage Characteristics of the Super.

While the fission bomb may yield an overpressure of 28 p.s.i. or more
out to a distance of 2500 feet, the same pressure level may extend to
93,000 feet in the case of the ‘Super. But there is no comparison be-
tween the destructive level which is attained inside these radii; for
the super pressure levels near “ground zero” are at least twenty times
higher than those for the fission bomb, and the Super bomb pressure
level is always higher than the fission bomb pressure level at corre-
sponding points inside the two damage circles. Hence, the damage in |
the large circle associated with the Super is many-fold more com-
plete than that in the smaller circle associated with the fission bomb.
It must be concluded, then, that the Super is not directly comparable
to a given number of fission bombs, for the peak pressures attained
from the Super cannot be attained with the airburst fission bombs
and these Super bomb. pressures result in complete demolition of a
large area. |