Gerberich, Albert H., 669n
Germany': Peace settlement or treaty,
    proposed, 16, 44-45, 59, 156, 209,
    273n, 275, 359; Soviet policy, 34,
    128, 156-157, 260, 273n, 275, 277,
    279, 328, 333-334, 337-338,1380-382,
    384-385, 387, 397
Germany, Democratic Republic of, 129,
    325, 329, 340, 365, 382, 387, 482
Germany, Federal Republic of: Allied
    High Commission, 563; East-West
    trade, controls over, 563, 585;
    GATT, proposed aycession to, 779.
    799; inland waters and marginal
    sea, policy concerning, 875-876; re-
    armament of, proposed, 479-480;
    trade policies, 133, 705-706, 711;
    trade with the United Kingdom,
    742; U.1S. economic assistance, 408-
    409, 4429, 840; U.S. Internal "Secu-
    ri ty Act of 1950, effect of, 900-902;
    U.S. military assistance, 433, 435-
    436, 441; U.S. policy, 128-129, 165,
    260, 265, 303, 336, 387
Gleason, S. Everett, 196, 200, 204, 324-
    325, 327-328, 373
 Glendinning, C. Dillon, 373, 721-723,
Glick, Philip M., 853-854, 858
Gordon, Marcus J., 852-856
Government and     relief in occupied
    areas, 444, 814
Grady, Henry F., 714-717, 725-726, 749-
Gray, Gordon, 227,' 295, 410, 412, 782,
    831, 842-843, 845
 Greece: GATT, accession to, 692; guer-
     rilla operations, 402; GATT tariff
     negotiations at Torquay, 790; in-
     land Waters and marginal sea, pol-
     ...icy concerning, 879-880; Solviet pol-
     icy, 51, 157, 333, 337,-354, 364, 380-
     381, 384, 387, 397; trade restric-
     tions, 711, 748n; treaty of friend-
     ship, commerce, and    navigation
     with the United States, negotia-
     tions concerning, 685; U.S. eco-
     nomic and military assistance, 212,
     259, 321-322, 352, 387, 394, 408-409,
     437-438, 441,t470, 621, 814, 839; U.S.
     policy, -35-136, 138, 188, 387
 Green, Caspar, D., 908-909, 910n
 Greenland, 144, 399, 875,910
 Griffin, R. Allen, 444, 863n
 Gromyko, Andrei A., 72n, 183-184
 Gross, ErnestA A., 51-58, 60-61
 Gruenther, Lt.ý Gen. Alfred M.,9215
 Guatemala, 799, 875,9884
 Gustafson, John K., 498, 567n, 573
 Gutt, C amille, 824-827
 Haas, George C., 297, 312, 373
 Haiti, 134, 599, 692-694, 697, 884
 Halaby, Najeeb E., 169, 173-174, 176,
     179, 182, 196, 200, 204
 Halifax, Lord,553


Hall, John A., 548, 573     ..
Halle, Louis J., 677, 856-859
Iammarskjold, Dag H.A.C., 541.
Hanson, Haldore, 853
Hare, Raymond A., 210n, 220-221
Harriman, W. Avereil, 341n, 348, 466,
    486, 787
H[ayes, Samuel P., 863
Hedtoft, Hans, 78
Henderson, Loy W., 567-5,70
Herter, Christian A., 206-209, 847 848
Hickenlooper, Bourke, B.,, 487-489
Hickerson, John D., 10-12, 18, 48-49,
    53n, 57, 68-77, 80-81, 86n, 90, 114,
    138nt, 210n, 216-217. 349-351
Hillenkoetter, Rear Adm., Roscoe H.,
    324-330, 348, 373
Hilliker, Grant G, 914-915, 917
Hilton, Ralph, 153
Hitler, Adolf, 71, 168, 484
Ho Chi Minh, 439
Hoffman., Paul, 214, 234-235, 416, 821-
    822, 836-837
Holmes, John W., 118-119
Holmes, Julius C., 541, 776-778
Holmes, Sir Stephen Lewis, 772, 774,
    805n   ..  . .
Honduras, 884, 890
Hong Kong, 334-335, 354, 356, 382, 384,
Hooker, John S., 723-724, 826Q
Hooker, 'Robert,, 142
Hope, Peter, 117-118
Horton, Mildred A., 192
H0well, ,Jacob C., 852
Hoyer Millar, Sir Derick, 48, 527-528,
Hulley, Benjamin M.9 76, 9 05n, 907-908,
    914-915, 917-919
Humelsine, Carlisle H., 407n
Hungary, 381.
Hydrogen bomb. See Thermonuclear
    weapons under National security
Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz, 399
Iceland, 144, 354, 437, 441, 875, 889-890
Immigration Act of 1917, 897n, 904
Immigration Act of 1924, 901n, 904
India (see also Indian interests and p6-
    sition under Atomic energy, foreign
    policy aspects, etc.) : Afghanistan,
    policy toward, 387; Atomic energy,
    proposed international control of,
    106, 121, Communist threat, 354ý;
    double taxation convention with the
    United States, proposed, 688-689 ;
    GATT tariff negotiations. 716, 790,
    799; inland waters and marginal
    sea, policy concerning, 880; Iran,
    policy toward, 387; Korean' war,
    participation in, 666; manpower rei-
    sources, 422; situatio~n in, 136-137,
    189190,: 278, 345; Southeast .Asia
    Federation, attitude toward, 131;