2. Psychological, as could be reflectoedin an information andpsycho-
logical warfare offensive; 2
  3. (and most imporant) Scientific 'and technical know-how in the
armament field-which should be reflected in a giganticmobilization of
the nation's scientific brains to launch .the-greatest new weapons and
-research program in history& .bill
,--Only a small portion oftheh current thireen billion dollar. Dfense
.budget is. going into new weapons and_ research pof the-typeth-at V Ya-
ar Bush emphasizes in his,book.3 *Scientists"have5hl.f.tthe..Govern-
m.ent since.-the war 'and 'are still leaving the Government. I feel con-fidnt
that the American people could 'be sold and be kept sold on a massive
program of developing new weapons and the relatively small technical
crews needed to man them. Examples are super anti-tank weapons and
anti-aircraft guided missiles. I believe a few billion dollars spent in -this
direction would give the reassurance -the rest of the free world needs
and would have continuing popular support in this country.
   How this can be embodied in the present paper, I am not sure.I would
 suggest at least some rephrasing of ch-apters 9 and 10, -to put much more
 emphasis on these points. I would add that this idea should be given
 thorough study in connection with the papers which 'are to follow the
 'current ones.
   'This whole plan underscores again the wisdom of the currednt pro-
 Vposal for a cold war headquarters, probably attached directly to the
 White House.
    If and when this whole project is approved by the President, the
 public education campaign must obviously receive the most careful
 .Study. I will forward within the next few -days some detailed recom-
 mendations for this campaign. 'in the meantime, I would like to point
 out the following: The first step in the campaign is obviosly build-
 ing up 'a full public awareness of the problem. This might take three
 months or it might require no more than ten days. My hunch is that it
 will 'be nearer ten days. We mustbe sure that the Government is in a
 position to come forward with positive steps to be taken just as soon
 as  athe mosph ere is right. -It is imperative, for both domestic and
 ioverseas reasons, that there should not be too much of a'time lag ,be
 tween the creation of a public awareness of the problem and. thesetting
 -forth of a-positive Governmenit programto solve that problem.
    In other words, we should have at least the broad proposals for action
  well in hand before the psychological "scare campaign" is started.

    Documentation on the United States foreign information program is sched-
  uled for publication in volume iv.
  -' 3yannevar tush, MOdern Arms and Free Men: A Discussion" of the
Role of
  Science in Preserving Democracy (New York: Simon and Schuster, t949).

