strengthen these two dominions and will then have to undertake com-
mitments with attendant risks. The timing, of course, depends on
Russia's efforts and the degree of-success in Asia.
  Canada.3   Our commitments and risks are so extensive and im-
portant that Canada in a military-sense must be considered as if it
were an integral part of theUnited States. It is as important to our
security to protect Canada as it is to protect California. Canada is
the most logical avenue for a large scale attack on-the United States.
Even if it were .not for the commitments in the Atlantic Pact and
the extension of the Monroe ;Doctrine to Canada, it would be necessary
to protect Canada instantly from any threat.
  United Kingdom.. The British are our strongest and most reliable
ally. This fact when considered together with our undertakings in the
North Atlantic Pact, Military Assistance Agreements, and our ar-
rangements for facilities, leads to the conclusion that we are committed
to the immediate protection of the British Isles in the event of an
attack., Even without commitments, the British Isles are an essential
base for a successful counter-attack on the continent and their control
of areas all over the world which are necessary to us in a global war,
make it-a primary objective to protect them.
  Sweden. We have no legal commitments to protect Sweden.
Nevertheless, should it be overrun by ,a hostile 1power, the security of
Norway and Denmark would be gravely threatened, What we would
do if 'Sweden were attacked would, of course, depend on circumstances
at the time and what other moves Russia made.
  Norway and Denmark. If these countries are attacked, the obli-
gations of the Atlantic Pact apply. While the consequences of their
being overrun are not nearly as serious as in the case of the United
Kingdom, their falling into hostile 'hands will make it exceedingly
difficult to defend the British 'Isles. We are, therefore, pretty close to
being committed to protect them.
  Greenland and Iceland. For strategic reasons brought about by
geography, it is clear that we would have to repel immediately any
attack on Greenland or Iceland.
  South Africa is the only British Dominion the overrunning of
whicht would not be an immediate threat to our security. The British
Commonwealth taken together form the strongest and most reliable
of all our actual or potential allies. Our commitments and risks to
them are great, the benefits to be derived in having them for our allies
equally great.

   For documentation on United States relations with Canada, see vol. II,
583 ff.