other agencies may be participants in the activities of theaworking
group but will not be members thereo-f.-Theworking:groups' may
establish and be assisted by such subordinate working groups asmay
be required.-
   The designation of agency representatives to serve on these workingz
 groups should be communicated to the Secretary of the FMACC con-
 currently with the approval of thlis paper. The chairman of each group
 will be responsible for the preparation and presentation 0to he Di-
 rector, MDAP and to the members of the FMACC, of a weekly status
 report of the progress being made by his group. This report will be
 required in addition to the specific reDports required by the terms of
 reference. The chairman may also recommend to the FMACC, from
 time to time, such changes in the directives applicable to his group
 as appear to be necessary or desirable.
   In view of the tightness of the ltime schedules imposed, it is essen-
 tial that inter agency differences which cannot be quickly resolved
 at working group level be promptly, factually reported to the FMACC
 for resolution. The chairman of each group will be responsible for
 doing so.
   3. The Policy ,and Programming Working Group should keep
 clearly in mind throughout, its work the distinction between basic
 concepts, plans to carry them out and definitive programs in support
 of those'plans. It is responsible for:
   (a) The development of the basic policy paper for the FY 1951
  This pa'per [is?] to indicate the basic concepts underlying miltry
  assistance, the general policies relatingto the program, the purposes
and objectives of country programs, relative priorities of the country
programs, and criterila to be followed in developing programs. This
paper is ,to be submitted to the FMACC for approval not later than
20 February:1950.
   (b) Development of pricing policy for ithe FY 1951 program.
   Recommended -revisions to"the pricing policy adopted forthe'FY
1950 program are to be submitted to the- FMACC by20 Febiruary..
  (c) Development of tentative FY 1951 country prograims....
  Country programs should indicate the purpose, nature ,and scope
off the individual country programs and: should:estimate the types
andamounts of equipment (by Service), the source of equipment
(excess, stocks requiring replacements, new procurement), and the
dollar costs involved. Programs are to be based on policies developed
in-accordance with sub,-paragraph (a) above ,and on data which are
available currently to U.S. agencies in the united States and overseas
regarding requirements of contemplated recipients. Tentative pro-
grams are to be submitted to the FMACC by 28 February.
  (d) Development of refined country programs.

