decision. At what point they will take a;decision to launch a general
war is not now determinable by Intelligennce..
   Note: The foregoing-paragraphs (7-10) represent the best con-
 clusions that can be reached on the basis of the information available
 at this time. The problem of whether and when.the USSR may resort
 deliberately to general war is under cont inuing consideration and will
 be the subject of future reports as pertinent information is developed.
   [Here follows the body of the report.]

 S/S-NSC Files : Lot 63D351 NSC 68 Series
 Memorandum by the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Lovett) to the
     Executive Secretary of the National Security, Council (Lay)
 TOP SECRET                         WVASHI-NGTO, 0 November 1950.

   Enclosed are summary statements of forces tentatively recommended
 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in support -of NSC-68/1, and a statement
 of the assumptions on which tentative cost estimates have been pre-
 pared by the Military Departments in terms of new obligational
 authority for fiscal years 1951-1955, inclusive, as requested by the
 National Security Council.
   The Department of Defense proposes to continue its review.,of the
statement of !forces, the estimated costs, and the assumptions upon
which these costs were based. If as a result of this review any sub-
stantial modification of the inclosed estimates appears advisable, you
will be promptly notified.
                                               ROBERT A. LovEwr2

  Melmorandum by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of
                        Defense (Marshall)
TOP SECRET                          WVASHINGToN, 19 November 1950.
Subject: U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security
     (NS-C 68)
  1. The Joint Chiefs ,of Staff 1have reviewed their memorandum to
you, subject as above, dated I Septemb~r 1950.3 They reaffirm that, so
long as the basic concepts of NSC 68/1 are adhered to, the forces set

  1Transmitted by Lay to the members of the National Security Council, the
Secretaries of the Treasury and Commerce, the Economic Cooperation Adminis-
trator, ,the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, and the Chairman of the
Council of Economic Advisers on November 20.
  2 The initials of Secretary of Defense Marshall appear below Lovett's signa-
ture on the source text.
  'Not found in the files of 1the Department of State.