The United States signed a trade agreement with Colombia on
September 13, 1935. This agreement went into effect on May 20, 1936
and by joint agreement between the two countries was terminated as

of December 1, 1949. | |
Date Date
Country concluded effective

Argentina oe Oct. 14, 1941 Nov. 15, 1941
Australia*® = Oct. 80, 1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Belgium** Oct. 30, 1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Brazil** Oct. 30, 1947 July 31, 1948
Burma* | | Oct. 30, 1947 July 30, 1948
Canada** : | Oct. 30, 1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Ceylon* | = — «Oct. 30, 1947 July 30, 1948
Chile* | | Oct. 30, 1947 Mar. 16, 1949
China* oO rea Oct. 30, 1947 May 22, 1948
Costa Rica | Nov. 28, 1936 Aug. 2, 1937
Cuba** — | - ~ Oct. 30, 1947 Jan. 41,1948
Czechoslovakia** | Oct. 30, 1947 Apr. 21, 1948
Ecuador - Aug. 6, 1938 Oct. 23, 1938
El Salvador Feb. 19, 1937 May 31, 1937
Finland May 18, 1936 Nov. 2, 1936 |
France** Oct. 30, 1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Guatemala : a Apr. 24, 1936 | June 15, 1936
Haiti** _ Oct. 10,1949 Jan. 1,1950
Honduras a Dec. 18, 1935 Mar. 2, 1936
Iceland Doe Aug. 27, 1943 Nov. 19, 1943
India* Se Oct. 30, 1947 July 9, 1948
Iran _ Apr. 8, 1948 June 28, 1944
Lebanon* a Oct. 30, 1947 July 30, 1948
Luxembourg** = Oct. 30,1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Mexico | — Dec. 23, 1942 — Jan. 30, 1943.
Netherlands** o —  Oet. 30,1947 ~~ Jan. -:1, 1948.
New Zealand* a Oct. 30,1947 — July 31, 1948
Nicaraguaft | Mar. 11, 1936 Oct. 1, 1936
Norway* | Oct. 30, 1947 July 11, 1948
Pakistan* | | Oct. 30, 1947 July 31, 1948
Paraguay Sept. 12, 1946 Apr. 9, 1947
Peru _ May 7, 1942 July 29, 1942
Southern Rhodesia* Oct. 30, 1947 July 12, 1948
Sweden May 25, 1985 Aug. 5, 1935
Switzerland Jan. 9, 1936 Feb. 15, 1936
Syria* | | ~~ Oct. 30, 1947 July 31, 1948
Turkey _ Apr. 1, 1939 May 5,1939 ©
Union of South Africa* | Oct. 30, 1947 June 14, 1948
United Kingdom** Oct. 30, 1947 Jan. 1, 1948
Uruguay | July 21, 1942 Jan. 1, 19438
Venezuela | | Nov. 6, 1939 Dec. 16, 1939

+The duty concessions and certain other provisions of this agreement ceased to

be in force as of March 10, 1938. [Footnote in the source text.]